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伦敦也可能变成欧洲的中国飞地。London might become a Chinese enclave in Europe.

在饱经战争磨难的欧洲,瑞士是和平的世外桃源。Switzerland was an enclave of peace in war-torn Europe.

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这里或许是世界上火药味最浓的佛教地区。This is perhaps the most militarized Buddhist enclave in the world.

在东京西部,一块被文明的社区围绕的土地,很可能埋藏了大屠杀的铁证。PROOF of mass murder could lie in a genteel enclave of west-central Tokyo.

安·福利和唐纳德·希思菲尔德居住在马萨诸塞州漂亮的坎布里奇市。Ann Foley and Donald Heathfield lived in the tony enclave of Cambridge, Mass.

他在新泽西北部的罗马天主教聚集区长大。He was raised in a comfortable Roman Catholic enclave of northern New Jersey.

开发商通过带来的种种好处,来说服老挝允许中国经营这块飞地。The developers persuaded Laos of the benefits of allowing a Chinese-run enclave.

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GM也在中国市场上销售了很多美国产的凯迪拉克和昂科雷SUV。GM does sell some American-made Cadillac models and the Buick Enclave suv in China.

现在的问题是这片悠闲的乐土是否会成为自身成功的牺牲品。The question now is whether this laid-back enclave will become a victim of its own success.

通过蜥蜴城的计算机骚扰英雷克,并感受他们的愤怒?Mess with the Enclave on the Gecko computer and feel the wrath of the verti assault encounter.

作为补充,别克的新的豪华阵容,在飞地提供了出色的注重细节。As a complement to Buick's new luxury lineup, the Enclave delivers superior attention to detail.

巴格达什叶派聚居地萨德尔城,星期五祷告日,男人们在清真寺外跪拜祷告。Men kneel outside a mosque during Friday prayers in Sadr City, a mostly Shi'ite enclave in Baghdad.

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反叛者现在受到政府军强大的持续性的压力之下。The rebel held unclaimed with rebel-held enclave is coming under sustained pressure from the armyand.

在拥有4万居民的西好莱坞,关于如何正确使用人行道的争论正如火如荼地展开。In West Hollywood, an enclave of 40, 000 residents, debate is raging over the proper role of sidewalks.

在该亚穆俱乐部是一个高级飞地包括属于一个隐蔽的亚穆和私人领域。The Club at The Yamu is an exclusive enclave that comprises a secluded and private area within The Yamu.

“飞地”型城镇是城镇化过程中在贫困落后地区形成的一种特殊范例,是一种特殊城镇化类型。Enclave city and towns is a kind of special model in the process of urbanization in remote and poor areas.

岩相学特征表明为基性岩浆和酸性岩浆经岩浆混合作用而成。These features show that the enclave are produced by the mixing and mingling of basic magma and acid magma.

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“从这边走,甜心,”我的私人服务生萝宾说,她领我走上一部小小的扶梯,把我带进我的包厢。"This way, Sweetie, " said Robin, my personal attendant, ushering me up a tiny staircase to my own enclave.

也因为这个原因,自此直到公元后10世纪,温州人一直以艺术、文学、手工艺和学识而闻名。By the tenth century a.d., Wenzhou had emerged as an enclave of art, literature, handicraft and scholarship.

在阿布哈兹的西端,也有类似的军队行动。Similar troop movements were observed toward the Russian enclave of Abkhazia in the far west of the country.