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对新一代合成基钻井液体系的优点作了介绍。The advantages of new generation SBM are introduced.

从东昌路轮渡码头至正大广场步行只需10分钟。From Dong Chang Road Ferry Station to SBM will take only 10 minutes by walk.

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第三部分,为实施校本管理的学校组织建构的内容与策略。The third part focuses on the content and strategies of the building of SBM schools.

目的观察斯巴敏治疗肠易激综合征的疗效。Objective To observe the curative effect on irritable bowel syndrome treated with SBM.

1953年,为了免交高额的财产税,阿里买下了SBM的多数股份。In 1953, in order to avoid paying high taxes on his wealth, Ari obtained a majority share in SBM.

介绍了西方国家校本管理改革的社会历史背景及其特征。This part introduce social historical background and characteristic of western countries' SBM reform.

SBM是支持操作级并行的一种有效的同步机制。SBM is a highly efficient synchronization mechanism supporting parallelism on operation level parallel.

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当机械钻速较快时,返出的岩屑尺寸很大,因而会将大量的合成基钻井液携带至地面。In high-ROP drilling environments, cuttings are very large and thus carry high volumes of SBM to surface.

本文在这样的国际背景下对商业方法软件法律保护问题展开讨论。This paper attempts to discuss the problem of legal protection of SBM under such international circumstances.

石墨被用于密封和隔离近井壁压裂尖端并优化合成基钻井液的流变性。Graphite is utilized to seal and isolate the near wellbore fractures at the tip along with optimizing the rheology of the SBM.

盆栽试验发现约50%的细菌组合对旱稻和黄瓜有显著生长促进作用。Significant growth promotion effects were observed with a half culture of 50 SBM after being inoculated to upland rice and cucumber planted in pots.

一个参数概率模型用于得到SBM谱密度,一个贝叶斯框架用于统计更新到本地记录。A parametric probabilistic model is sought for the SBM spectral densities, and a Bayesian framework is used to statistically update it to local records.

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“校本管理”的产生既是当今世界教育素质化的趋势和学校层面改革深化的需要,也是现代学校管理改革的自身要求。The rise of SBM is in line with the tendency of quality-oriented education in the present world and meets the needs in furthering reforms in modern school management.

本文就是以现有的校本管理理论为基础,主要通过文献研究法,再结合本国的实际情况及校本管理近期发展与研究的成果去思考应该如何构建校本管理的运行机制。My article is base on the basic theory of SBM and make use of the related research and the latest development of SBM to consider the construction of the running mechanism of the SBM.

通过光谱扫描、统计分析,分别找出测量黄豆粕水分、蛋白质、粗脂肪的波长及校准常数值。The wavelengths and their calibration factors for determination of moisture protein and rude fat contents in SBM were found through near infrared spectral scan and its findings analysis statistically.