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他们想尽办法来解决问题。They tried everyway to find the solution.

他们用各种方法试图找到资料。They tried everyway to find the information.

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他想处处保护你处处给你帮助。He wants to protect you and provide for you in everyway.

他们的竞争者想尽方法去获取该项情报。Their competitors tried everyway to find the information.

我没有想到你的一切需求,你梳头的每种方式。I never thought on everything you want and you everyway fixed your hair.

在特殊的经济环境下我们千方百计想办法来维持员工的斗志,保持劳资关系的和谐。Since the down turn we have been trying everyway to keep spirit and keep harmony.

在每个月的那几天里,他们想尽办法试图安抚你的样子。The way they try to comfort you in everyway when you are experiencing that time of the month.

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无论怎么样我都是输,所以这次事件的赢家只在剩下的呆在公司的人,希望我们的决定能够帮到他们。I will lose everyway , the winner is our workmate who don't resign, and hope our decision can help them.

无论怎样的情况及理由,都不能掉弃已经在读的英语课程,要学习时就要认真。Everyway any situation and reason, all the time give up the learned English lessons. be hard when i study.

年轻人的上升之路是想方设法改进自己,切勿怀疑有人想挡他的道。The way for the young man to rise is to improve himself everyway he can, never suspecting that anyone wishes to hinder him.

如果政府努力制造印度女性在各个方面都享有平等的权利的现象,那又为何设妇女专座呢?If the government is trying to promote an image that Indian women are equal in everyway then why does it make special reservation for women.

浴室里处处显示出这家主人是个女孩子,樱桃味的洗发水,洗手池下的卫生棉,还有摆满了化妆品的医药箱。In everyway this was a woman's bathroom, fromthe strawberry-scented shampoo, to the box of Tampax under the sink, to the medicine cabinet crammedwith cosmetics.

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很高兴为你做任何的有益于你的事情,给你提供无数的资源或者是在任何有助于你顺从你的心灵的方面帮去你去发展。I will be delighted to make any useful connections, send you umpteen resources and engage with you in everyway that will help you follow your own heart and to help you blossom.