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没有人怀疑她的大脑和勇气。Nobody doubts her brains or grit.

其次就是刚毅——非常强壮的粗砂。And second, manliness-very strong grit.

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把你头发里那些大城市的砂粒都洗掉。Get all that city grit out of your hair.

你一定行。-好的,你得到很多磨练。You go. -Well, you've got a lot of grit.

你得咬紧牙关,低吼一声,变得“更丑更糟”!Grit your teeth, grunt, groan, and get MEAN.

我假装拭去一只眼睛里的沙粒。I pretended to rub a fleck of grit from one eye.

他在面对逆境和苦难时显示出刚毅和勇气。He displayed grit and backbone in facing adversity.

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文奈特莉的下一步电影充满着一大撮的毅力。Knightley next movie came with a big pinch of grit.

鞋里有砂子,硌脚。正在加载用户记忆法…There's some grit in the shoe, and it hurts my foot.

在展示台上有舞台烟幕和闪光的沙砾。There was stage smoke and glitter grit on the runway.

铁砧表面的凹痕可能要用600沙砾纸打磨。Pitted anvil surfaces may be refinished with 600 grit paper.

散落的粗砂堵塞设备,同时引起滑倒危险。Loose grit fouling equipment and also producing a slip hazard.

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在死亡来临时,要紧牙关,坚定目光,正视死亡。Grit your teeth, fix your gaze, and observe death at this moment.

作业地面必须随时清除障碍物和松散的粗砂。Working floors must be kept clear of obstructions and loose grit.

建议将粗砂掺到黏重的土壤里,以提高排水性能。It is advisable to mix coarse grit into heavy soil to improve drainage.

“也许不了。”风卷起一阵灰尘,街道笼罩在迷雾阴霾之中。Maybe not. " A dust plume rose and hazed the air with fine grit and he".

经济机器的故障证明了决策者某些干预的必要性。This grit in the economic machine justified some meddling by policymakers.

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在周日的比赛里,为了胜利,我们需要象德比一样控制比赛。On Sunday evening we will need the same grit as in the derby in order to win.

风卷起一阵灰尘,街道笼罩在迷雾阴霾之中。A dust plume rose and hazed the air with fine grit and he squinted against it.

林浩的勇气使他成为了一个英雄,而他的笑容使他即刻成为一个名人。Lin Hao's grit had made him a hero, but his smile made him an instant celebrity.