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他被指控犯敲诈勒索,但却一直没被判决有罪。He was indicted for racketeering but never convicted.

纽约的工会领袖被判有工会诈骗罪。The New York union leader was convicted of labor racketeering.

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同时,他们的车祸最多,浪费最多,骗子也最多。They also have the most traffic deaths, the most waste, the most racketeering.

不到一星期前,马勒莫城也成立了反敲诈勒索联盟协会。Less than a week earlier the city got its first anti- racketeering association.

2006年,美国政府对烟草业提起诉讼,罪名是诈骗。In 2006 the US government brought an action against the tobacco industry for racketeering.

2001年,当地的执法部门想FBI密码破译和诈骗跟踪小组求救。In 2001, local law enforcement turned to the FBI Cryptanalysis and Racketeering Records Unit for help.

他否认自己犯下勒索和侵犯智慧财产权及违反电脑使用权限法。He has pleaded not guilty to racketeering and violating intellectual property and computer access laws.

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为了弥补资金空缺,他对商人加大课税,而后者已经因腐败和敲诈喘不过气来。To pay for this he has raised taxes on businesses, which are already suffocating from corruption and racketeering.

检察官撤销了对前总督勒索的罪名,撤销了对他当时的共同被告,他的弟弟罗伯特布拉戈耶维奇的所有费用。Prosecutors dropped racketeering counts against the ex-governor and dismissed all charges against his then co-defendant, his brother Robert Blagojevich.

这种暴力还继续存在于我们生活中的各个方面,比如盗匪、种族骚乱、政治腐败、有组织的敲诈勒索、暴力性政治攻击。This violence has continued in such aspects of our life as gangsterism, race riots, corrupt politics, union racketeering and the violent political attack.

这些诉讼也包括在4月20日的钻台爆炸中伤亡的工人提起的人身伤害和不当致死索赔之讼。The suits also include racketeering claims as well as personal injury and wrongful death claims from workers hurt or killed when the rig exploded April 20.

据称杰斐逊曾在非洲的数项商业交易中担任中间人的角色,在对这一事件的调查过程中,杰斐逊被控诈骗,索贿及洗钱等罪名。Jefferson has been charged with racketeering , soliciting bribes and money laundering in an investigation into business deals he allegedly tried to broker in Africa.

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Virginia洲Henry郡的行政长官和12名前任和现任的雇员被联邦法院起诉是毒品勒索案件的共犯。In Virginia, the sheriff in Henry County and 12 of his current and former employees are under federal indictments for an alleged drug-related racketeering conspiracy.

与霍多尔斯基从市场获得第一桶金的商人模式不同,官僚企业家靠瓜分预算、敲诈勒索发家。Unlike businessmen of Mr Khodorkovsky's type, who made their first money in the market, the bureaucrat-entrepreneurs have prospered by dividing up budget revenues and by racketeering.

与霍多尔斯基从市场获得第一桶金的商人模式不同,官僚企业家靠瓜分预算、敲诈勒索发家。Unlike businessmen of Mr Khodorkovsky’s type, who made their first money in the market, the bureaucrat-entrepreneurs have prospered by dividing up budget revenues and by racketeering.

昨天,在控告工会在黑社会控制下进行结伙恐吓诈财的民事诉讼开庭公数小时前,司法部与运输工人达成了和解。The Justice Department and the Teamsters made peace yesterday, only hours before the opening of a civil racketeering trial accusing the union of being under the thumb of organized crime.

这位曾经九次被俄亥俄州第17选区推选的众议员经常头发乱糟糟地出现在公众场合,毫无顾忌。2002年他因被认定犯有受贿、诈骗、逃税等罪名而遭美国两院除名。James Traficant, a defiantly unkempt congressman elected nine times by Ohio's 17th district, was expelled from the House in 2002 after being convicted of bribery, racketeering and tax evasion.

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纽约总检察长,在逮捕了80人--整个甘比诺家族。New York State attorney general, after about 80 people, including the entire Gambino family hierarchy, were indicted for murder, racketeering and other crimes — the largest mob sweep in recent memory

不过,这一切或许将有所改变,整个审讯期间,检察官们制定的是敲竹杠策略,一些低级雇员会做出不利老板的证词,以此换取宽大处理。But that will probably change, as prosecutors deploy “flipping” tactics honed during racketeering trials, in which lower level employees receive leniency in return for testifying against their bosses.