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哦太糟糕了来点芥末蘸蛋吗?Oh, it's just awful. Deviled egg?

基蒂缠着她母亲要个洋娃娃。Kitty deviled her mother for a doll.

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今天的烤生肉和炒辣味蟹都很好。The roast beef and deviled crab are very good today.

我们的特色菜是炸板鱼,炒蟹和牛排。Our specialties are fried sole, deviled crab and beef cutlet.

我们的特色菜是炸板鱼,炒蟹和牛排。Our specialities are fried sole, deviled crab and beef cutlet.

我们的特色菜有炸顿鱼、炒蟹及牛排。Our specialities 8re fried sole, deviled crab, and beef cutlet.

吃魔鬼蛋或者鸡蛋沙拉三明治的话要用全熟鸡蛋。Use hard-boiled eggs to make deviled eggs or egg salad sandwiches.

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这些调味品都很不错,但是没有一个特别适合这道魔鬼蛋。Any of them would work, but none seemed particularly deviled egg-like.

煮熟的鸡蛋有着相同的好处,但蘸了很多芥末的鸡蛋更有味道,更符合人们的胃口。Boiled eggs have the same benefits, but deviled eggs bring a little more flavor to the mouth party.

魔鬼蛋的灵感来源于巧克力蛋糕,虽然只是我偶然的奇怪的想法,但是好像几个星期前就已经形成了雏形。IT'S an odd happenstance when chocolate cake inspires a recipe for deviled eggs, but so it went a few weeks ago.

否则,小心你的鸡蛋色拉或用大量蛋黄酱烹制的鸡蛋成为脂肪和卡路里炸弹。Likewise, be careful with egg salad or deviled eggs made with lots of mayonnaise. Both are fat and calorie bombs.

然而,一盘蛋黄上撒有红辣椒粉的魔鬼蛋还是能够一解我的思乡之苦和提升我的食欲。A platter of deviled eggs, however, with their creamy yellow yolks dusted with paprika, would satisfy both my nostalgia and my appetite.

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通常名称里面有魔鬼两个字的食物都是奇辣无比的——除非你说的是魔鬼蛋糕,之所以称为魔鬼蛋糕,是因为加入了可可粉蛋糕呈鲜红色的缘故。Usually, deviled foods are highly spiced — unless you're talking about devil's food cake, so named because the cocoa gives its crumb a reddish cast.

危险过去后,他踮着脚去了中央办公室并执掌权力,路上只停了一下打开王室的冰箱,抄走一份抹了很多芥末的火腿三明治。As the coast became clear he advanced on tiptoe to the central office and assumed power, pausing only to open the royal refrigerator and slap together a deviled ham sandwich.

因此,上述的两个特点正直和坦率,是神必不可少的两种特性。Thus, the above two characteristics -uprightness and deceitfulness -are respectively resultant factors for divinity i. e. , heavenly abode, and deviled i. e. , hellish abode.

迪尔茜是“十二橡树”村的女领班,自从六个月前结婚以来,波克就没日没夜地缠着要主人把她买过来,好让他们两口子住在一起。Dilcey was head woman and midwife at Twelve Oaks, and, since the marriage six months ago, Pork had deviled his master night and day to buy Dilcey, so the two could live on the same plantation.

迪尔茜是“十二橡树”村的女领班,自豪六个月前成婚以来,波克就没日没夜地缠着要主人把她买过来,好让他们两口子住在一路。Dilcey was head woman and midwife at Twelve Oaks, and, since the marriage six months ago, Pork had deviled his master night and day to buy Dilcey, so the two could live on the same plantation.