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罗浮宫随时犒赏您的味蕾。Louvre rewards your taste in food.

您在卢浮宫里多少还吃得开吧,先生?Have you taken the Louvre at all, sir?

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罗浮宫是巴黎最大的博物馆。Louvre is the biggest museum in Paris.

卢浮宫-里弗利地铁站里的艺术品。Artwork at Louvre Rivoli metro station.

罗浮宫博物馆绝对值得一游。The Louvre Museum is definitely worth a visit.

罗浮宫里有很多有名的图画。There are many famous paintings in the Louvre.

罗浮宫是世界上最有名的考试大博物馆吗?Is the Louvre the most famous museum in the world?

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圣母院、埃菲尔铁塔、罗浮宫等。Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and so on.

购买巴黎博物馆通票也可以进卢浮宫。The Louvre is also covered by the Paris Museum Pass.

你在巴黎时有机会参观罗浮宫吗?。Did you get to see the Louvre while you were in Paris?

我们就像卢浮宫和麦迪逊加登广场一样迥然不同。We were as different as the Louvre and Madison Square Garden.

巴黎著名的罗浮宫将向东面扩建。The famous Louvre Museum in Paris is about to expand eastward.

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我想在巴黎向她求婚,在卢浮宫的花园里。And I want to propose to her in Paris, at the garden of Louvre.

因为这段记忆太古老了,我只记得我经常来卢浮宫。Because the memory is so old. I think that I always came to the Louvre.

像罗浮宫那类知名的美术馆每年吸引数以百万计的观光客。Famous museums like the Louvre attract millions of visitors every year.

卢浮宫拒绝就其即将到来的新邻居发表评论。The Louvre refused comment on the expected arrival of its new neighbor.

目前已经有一名前罗浮宫主管人员,预计在埃及发表的演说被迫取消。Already a lecture in Egypt by a former Louvre curator has been canceled.

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为了改变一下步调,你也可以流连于罗浮宫和蓬皮杜艺术中心。For a change of pace, get your art fix at the Louvre and the Pompidou Centre.

也正是左拉预言,终有一天马奈的作品将被悬挂在卢浮宫里。It was Zola who predicted that one day Manet's Work would hang in the Louvre.

在这庞大的艺术馆走廊里,没有其他任何一幅画享有如此厚遇。No other painting in the immense galleries of the Louvre gets this treatment.