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第二是帮助超车。and secondly to aid overtaking.

第二,地图应用很烂。Secondly the maps are very poor.

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其次人们不应该把区际。Secondly people should not throw.

其次,我们使用节水型的坐便器。Secondly we looked for water saving toilets.

第二您需要创建一个同步化规则。Secondly you need to setup a synchronization rule.

第二个是克服人们的物质分裂性。The secondly is getting over the matter fissility.

其次,记谱法还有另一个好处And secondly there's another advantage of notation.

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第二,我们尅通过网络联系任何我们想要联系的人。Secondly by Internet we can contact anyone we want.

其次,他充分显出他的骄傲和顾全面子。Secondly his pride seems to have shown up very badly.

我不去。一来我没票,二来我不喜欢这出戏。I haven't a ticket, and secondly I don't like the play.

二是我们因为这同一项赛事可能会失去阿历山大·宋。Secondly we may lose Alex Song for the same tournament.

其次,我们应该对我们未来的远大抱负。Secondly , we should have great ambition towards our future.

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其次,对开放和封闭经济体中的MQS作了比较。Secondly the MQS in an open economy and a close are compared.

其次,一旦与钱有联系,我们必须要小心谨慎。Secondly once connected to money we must be cautious about it.

对输入地震动的影响研究。The influence of input seismic load has been studied, secondly.

其次介绍SAKA协议的基本原理及其消息流程。Secondly introduces the principle of SAKA and its messages flow.

探讨感叹句的一般性质特征。Secondly it inquires into the features of exclamatory sentences.

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这种砂岩的成份以石英为主,长石次之。This sandstone consists of quartz primarily and feldspar secondly.

一来我没票,二来我不喜欢这出戏。他起初没钱,可是后来相当富有了。To begin with, I haven't a ticket, and secondly I don't like the play.

其次是因为它们没有足够的钱来为救市融资。Secondly because they are not rich enough to finance their own bail-outs.