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伊拉克可以在一两周内就可以拿下的这一想法是估计不足的想法。The idea that Iraq could be taken within a week or two was an underestimation.

SCTA的主要缺点是可能高估或低估血管狭窄程度。The main defect of SCTA is overestimation or underestimation of vessel stenosis.

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这是由于敌人对中国估计不足而来的,也有他自己兵力不足的原因。This is due to the enemy's underestimation of China and also to his shortage of troops.

高LET能引起探测器响应降低,从而造成低估辐射剂量。High LET can cause reduction of detector response and underestimation of radiation dose.

然而,美国人的态度是一个不稳定的混合体。However, American attitudes are a volatile mix. Underestimation of the inequality between C.

低估了未来公共需求的所需空间,而将灾民安置点区域设计的过于有限,是规划时的一个常见问题。Underestimation of the space required for future communal needs is a common problem in camps of limited area.

安装绿色幕墙的主要障碍是低估绿色幕墙对公众带来的美观价值。The main obstacle of vertical garden is underestimation of the aesthetic value of vertical garden by general public.

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三套资料均存在高估弱降水、低估强降水的问题。The overestimation of weak rainfall and underestimation of heavy rainfall can be found in all of the three products.

问题其实出在我太高估自己的实力,也太低估这座公园的大小啦!The problem was obviously in my overestimation of my navigation skills, and my underestimation of the size of the park!

由于存在组织学低估以及漏检等情况,穿刺活检尚不能完全取代手术活检。But for the histologic underestimation and some missed case, needle breast biopsy could not completely replace excisional biopsy.

为了避免管理者报酬被低估的问题,文章在管理者货币性报酬的基础上引入在职消费。It introduces non-pecuniary compensation in the managers' compensation in order to avoid underestimation of the managers' compensation.

业务经理知道不确定的管理需求的主要部分是理解高估或低估需求所带来的成本。Operations managers know that an integral part of managing demand uncertainty is understanding the costs involved in over- or underestimation.

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传统的土钉设计方法经常低估了土钉的粘结强度,从而导致了不经济的设计。The conventional design approach of soil nails often results in an underestimation of bond stress, which in turn gives an uneconomical design.

同期申报同性夫妇的人数从150人上升到了1,300人,尽管这一数字还是相当低估的。The number of declared same-sex couples rose in the same period from 150 to 1,300, although this is believed to be a considerable underestimation.

根据我的推测和有效数据的局限,这些数字将产生无法估量的真实财政影响。Due to the assumptions we made and the limitations of the available data, these figures are likely an underestimation of the true financial impact.

对CEO和生产工人工资的差距的低估并不表示对这种现象的拥护和赞成。Underestimation of the inequality between C.E.O. incomes and the wages of the average production worker wage does not, for example, imply approval.

其他国家在计算国有经济增长上也存在同样的问题,但是中国服务业的快速增长使这种低估更为显著。Other countries have a similar national accounting problem, but the rapid growth of China's service sectormakes the underestimation more pronounced.

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结果表明,从相对误差来看,双线偏振雷达使普通雷达的小雨高估、大雨低估的测量误差趋势减弱,它对小到中雨的测量结果优于普通雷达。The result indicates that the underestimation of the rainfall rate during heavy rain and the overestimation during light rain become small by ZDR method.

奇怪的是,激烈的宗教信徒以及好斗的无神论者低估了自然选择的创造力,致使蒙蔽了他们的眼睛。Oddly, an underestimation of natural selection's creative power clouds the vision not just of the intensely religious but also of the militantly atheistic.

分析了产生这种偏差的原因,指出主要是由于预测时,夜间车流量与大型车所占比例被低估所造成。Analysis indicates that the mainly reason of the discrepancy is the underestimation of the proportion of large vehicle and the scale of traffic flow at night.