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“靓”本是一个古语词和方言词,曾一度消失于汉语普通话中。Secondly, she uses a series of archaism and dialect words, which increase reading delight.

对他来说,在被帝制支配数千年之久的中国,古汉语是统治者们为限制未受教育的大多数人的话语权蓄意扶植的。To him, imperial China's archaism was a grand conspiracy to silence the uneducated majority.

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这其实是对学界长期以王世贞作为“师古”派代表之说的一种反拨。This fact is a correction on the traditional opinion on Wang as the representative of archaism.

然而反传统绝非创新的唯一途径,「古」也可以成为创新的手段。However, such confrontation is not the only way to innovate. Archaism can become a means of innovation too.

对他来说,在被帝制支配数千年之久的中国,古汉语是统治者们为限制未受教育的大多数人的话语权蓄意扶植的。To him, imperial China's archaism was a grand conspiracy to silence the uneducated majority. "We have two choices, " he wrote.

汤显祖登上文坛之际正是后七子复古格调派兴盛的时期,他与复古派的王世贞兄弟的矛盾在后世的记载中被故意夸大。Tang Xian-zu comes on the scene at the very moment when the archaism literary style championed by the later Seven Masters enjoyed its widespread recognition.

在他的绘画、雕塑、装置和视频作品中,艺术家深入探讨了旧时代和社会追求的现代化幻想之间的关系。In his paintings, sculptures, installations and videos, the artist dwells on the relationships between archaism and the fantasies of modernity to which society aspires.

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本文试图检视徐悲鸿艺术理論与实践,讨論徐悲鸿如何藉復古以革新,并探索徐悲鸿艺术理論与创作的復古元素。In this essay I will examine Xu Beihong's art theories and art works, talk about how he innovates by archaism and explore the archaic elements of his theories and works.

法律英语的词义具有独特性、大量出现古体词特别是古体副词、引用外来语、词汇要求准确、用词精炼简洁。Legal English has particularlyacceptation, a lot of archaism especially archaism adverbappeared, loan word adopted, glossary accuracy required, succinct in the use of word.

叶芝曾说他想让自然的话语,用自然的方式呈现,但对于,自然的定义他又将其高度文化化,他的诗歌有很多口语的古语表达。Yeats once said that he wanted the natural words in the natural order, but he had a very highly cultured sense of what is natural, and his poetry is full of verbal archaism.

叶芝曾说他想让自然的话语,用自然的方式呈现,但对于,自然的定义他又将其高度文化化,他的诗歌有很多口语的古语表达。Yeats once said that he wanted the natural words in the natural order, but he had a very highly cultured sense of what is natural, and his poetry is full of verbal archaism.

同时大量地运用古史、故事、古语来论说事理,既言之成理,又持之有故,令人信服。Simultaneously the massive utilization ancient history, the story, the archaism comes the dissertation affair, both sounds reasonable, and holds the effectiveness, persuasive.

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我们遵循古语的精髓,以人为本,推广养生理念,开发有助人类健康的产品。一起行动,加入健康产业积德行业!We follow the archaism essence, people-oriented, promote health concept, developing help human health products. Act together, join health industry turn deserves another industry!

修行完备的人始终认为,凡是应该做的事自必勇猛精进,毫不退缩,所谓「虽千万人,吾往矣」的胸襟。A man of perfection by practice deems that a man should be gutsy and dauntless to do thing as the archaism goes "Though thousands of people are there to fight against me, I still go."