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他是新闻人物。He is news.

什么是新闻?What is News?

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坏消息才有销路。Bad news sells.

避开新闻。Eschew the news.

放弃追踪新闻时事。Give up on news.

现在报告新闻。Here is the news.

这是旧闻了。This is old news.

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今天有什么新鲜事儿吗?What news to-day?

我们有好消息。We have good news.

今天有什么新鲜事儿吗?What news the day?

唯一的好消息是?The only good news?

希望是好消息。Goood news , I hope.

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那消息使我们心情激动。The news excited us.

消息走漏了。The news leaked out.

这则消息是适时的。This news is timely.

坏消息让我崩溃。Bad news bums me out.

我有大消息要宣布。I have some big news.

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这是个即时的新闻。It's an instant news.

我要告诉你一个好新闻。Ive got news for you.

比如晚间新闻。Likethe evening news.