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那么告诉我你的真名。I am named Ged. And you?

船紧靠着岸边而行。The boat hug ged the coast.

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咖啡渣堵塞了厨房的排水道。The coffee grains plug ged up the kitchen drain.

我得和GED交谈因为我不能上学。I had to take the GED since I could not attend school.

不管是拿个GED学位还是学门意大利语,从你家电脑上就行。Whether it’s getting a GED or learning Italian, it’s only as far away as your home computer.

终于,在一个逼迫星辰的高坡上,Ged脚下一滑,跌倒在地上,再也爬不起来了。And at last, on a high slope that ran up to the stars, Ged slipped and fell forward, and did not get up.

在头一次的时候,Arren停下来举起长剑指向那个方向,但Ged只是摇了摇头继续前行。At sight of the first of these, Arren started and raised his sword to point, but Ged shook his head and went on.

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职业学校毕业,或者3年以上的制造业工作经验,有电磁线经验者优先。High School graduate or GED equivalent or three years of manufacturing experience, preferred in magnet wire operations.

于是托尔伯特重新回到校园考了GED,然后去了密歇根大学学习机械工程。Talbot then went back to school to earn his GED and then to the University of Michigan to study mechanical engineering.

亚刃想摆脱他的黑影,不能继续抵抗内心的那股黑暗,就像少年时代的格得。Arren fleeing from his shadow and unable to confront his own inner darkness, was very much like Ged in his younger days.

美国教育部说,参加GED的人应该算作辍学,但该规则并不被各州普遍地采用。The U.S. Department of Education says GED recipients should be counted as dropouts but that rule isn't uniformly applied.

这位高中的辍学生在仅仅两个月内就完成了GED项目而且将他能够进入大学学习归功于JEVS。The high school dropout completed the GED program in just two months and credits JEVS with getting him into community college.

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不过她开始又准备进去另一个GED方案的工作中,是一个县警长办公室调度员定的职位,虽然他很想希望得到这份工作,不过最终希望化为泡影。She transferred to another GED program, but the job she was hoping to get, as a dispatcher with the county sheriff's office, vanished.

为了追寻邪恶根源及拯救世界,他带著在途上遇到的亚伦王子和蒂露踏上险要征途!The Archmage Ged departs on a journey in search of the source of evil and encounters Arren, the Prince who deserted his homeland of Enlad.

一直逃课的卡罗斯搬进了罗斯家并在一个叫“通向文凭之门”的培训中心报了名。Carlos, who'd been avoiding school altogether, moved into the penthouse and enrolled in an educational center called The Door to get his GED.

在对GED分布参数进行贝叶斯估计MCMC方法的讨论中,使用了Gibbs迭代抽样法。Gibbs sampling method is used to construct Markov Chain during the discussion of Bayesian Estimation of GED Distribution parameters with MCMC Method.

最后展望了大众设计教育在中国发展的未来,指出建立深植社会的大众设计教育模式是任重而道远的事情。Finally, this paper looks into the prospect of GED in China and points out that establishing a society-oriented GED is a task that has a long way to go.

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在2005年的法院枪杀案中杀害了4人。该案由于在法律上的复杂性被再三延后,这使得受害者的家属非常愤怒。Nichols killed four people in a brazen courthouse shooting in 2005. The case was repeatedly bog ged down by legal complications, angering families of victims.

Ged和Arren独自穿过狭窄的街道,曾有几次,他们仿佛在街道的拐角处看到人影,那么远,在昏暗中看不真切。Ged and Arren went through the narrow streets alone, though a few times they saw a figure at the turning of another way, distant and hardly to be seen in the gloom.

因为他中途停止了教育,而且始终拒绝再回到学校,因此,在这个竞争的社会环境下,适合他的工作很少。Since he had not pursued a GED and was still rejecting the idea of going back to school, there were few vocations available for him within a competitive work environment.