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这么慌张干嘛?Why the flurry?

他慌慌张张的走。He walked in a flurry.

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阿内尔卡会上演进球狂潮的。Anelka is due a flurry of goals.

他们全都是一些毛毛楞楞的小伙子。These young fellows are all in a flurry.

但对于我的意外慌张昨晚来了。But to my suprise a flurry came last night.

一接近最后期限,我就变得好方。I'm always in a flurry as deadlines get nearer.

Ngoc的被杀促使首尔迅速启动了改革。In Seoul, Ngoc's murder has spurred a flurry of reform.

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血刃速攻是一个很好的注意,但是不实际。Blade Flurry is a great idea but it is just not practical.

在过去的一个月中,日本突然涌现出了一批女强人。The past month has seen a flurry of female firsts in Japan.

乔丹一连串的高空扣篮令观众大饱眼福。Jordan gave the audience a treat with a flurry of high-flying dunks.

一连串的脏话后,他将一把硬币砸向出租车。In a flurry of F-and-C-words he threw a fistful of coins at the taxi.

在乡村居室里,星期天上午照例有一翻忙乱。There is always a certain flurry in a country-house on Sunday morning.

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过去的一年中,英国官员频繁出使拉美各国。The past year has seen a flurry of ministerial visits to Latin America.

他的发言在一些由国家控制的报纸上激起了强烈反响。This has caused a flurry of excitement in some state-controlled newspapers.

尼基•索尔克和艾米•弗勒里用纸创造出了美丽而时髦的假发。Beautiful and stylish wigs created out of paper by Nikki Salk and Amy Flurry.

我内心细细品味着冬天给我带来的片片雪花以及那令人欣喜的情景。I relish the flurry and adrenalin occasioned by what our winters throw at us.

近来企业并购交易浪潮持续不断,出现了几宗新的收购案。The recent flurry of M&A deals continued, with several new tie-ups surfacing.

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黄蜂的快攻一个接一个,从而也直接有了一次又一次的上篮和扣篮。The Hornets' fast-break was in gear, resulting in a flurry of layups and dunks.

不久,麦尔布礼太太带着有些惊慌而意外的神情走上楼来。By and by Mrs. Melbury came upstairs with a slight air of flurry and abruptness.

据说鲨鱼两次靠近他,随后他消失在疾风暴雨般的噬咬中。It was seen approaching him twice before he disappeared in a flurry of thrashing.