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更绝的是一人一把刀一个龟壳,刻甲骨文!No more is one of a tortoiseshell a knife, carved Oracle!

街心处一只龟甲猫正在追逐着一片败叶。Down in the street a tortoiseshell cat was chasing a dead leaf, " etc."

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街道上一只龟甲色的猫正在追逐一片枯叶。Down in the street a tortoiseshell cat was chasing a dead leaf, " etc."

他们的塑料镜框──通常是黑色、玳瑁色或鲜艳的彩色──中空无一物。The plastic frames, usually in black, tortoiseshell or bright colors, are empty.

折扇的材质多为镂雕精巧的象牙、珍珠贝壳、玳瑁、漆木等。The materials used to make these fans ranged from ivory, animal bone, tortoiseshell and lacquer.

宣祖下令水军禁止建造龟甲船,遭到了李舜臣的反对。XuanZu ordered a ban tortoiseshell ship water-forces, encountered opposition from adm. yi sun-sin.

硬直的灰褐色头发,玳瑁眼镜,还有他的热情,Lewin教授活脱脱就是天才科学家的模子。With his wiry grayish-brown hair, his tortoiseshell glasses and his intensity, Professor Lewin is the iconic brilliant scientist.

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一只从树上掉落下来的小松鼠被一只猫妈妈收养了!A sweet-natured tortoiseshell mother cat, Emmy readily adopted Rocky, a baby squirrel who fell out of his nest, in September 2010.

一边基本是黑色,另一边是偏灰色,并附有明显的蓝色、红色和玳瑁色斑点。The insect is almost black on one side, but the other side is much paler, with clearly visible flecks of blue, red and tortoiseshell.

要赶上时代的潮流,你的下一副眼镜应该有彩色的塑料镜框或者是玳瑁眼镜。Make sure your next pair of spectacles have plastic coloured frames and mottled tortoiseshell to stay ahead of the fashion in glasses.

这只有花纹的白猫通常都会从一个房间散步到另一个房间,很少会花时间和病人在一起,除非是那些生命只剩下几个小时了的病人。The tortoiseshell and white cat spends its days pacing from room to room, rarely spending any time with patients except those with just hours to live.

玳瑁海龟拥有漂亮的花纹龟壳,几千年来一直是商业龟甲的唯一来源。The hawksbill turtle possesses a beautiful marbled shell, which has been exploited for thousands of years as the sole source of commercial tortoiseshell.

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对于她的家庭来说,花斑猫拉娜不过是只温软柔顺的小可爱,不过对邮递员安德鲁·格特来说却是个嗜血的猛兽。To the family who own her, Lana the tortoiseshell cat is nothing but a big softie. But to postman Andrew Goater, she is a vicious beast out for his blood.

打乌龟,头和乌龟壳都无法攻破,四肢和尾部是它的软肋,海洋之星2011打乌龟从背后和侧面攻击上佳。Playing turtle, head and tortoiseshell are not broken, limbs and tail is its weakness, Ocean Star 2011 hit from behind and the turtle a good attacking side.

在1937年,百利金举行全球性的活动推出第一支M101N,并获得巨大的成功。Special Edition M101N tortoiseshell brown – A historical model comes back to life In 1937, Pelikan launched the first M101N with a global campaign and much success.

茜茜是由一只花猫卵巢旁的细胞克隆而来,但是她和她的"母体"并非长得一模一样,她们的皮毛花纹还是有所不同的。Cc was cloned from a cell taken from near the ovary of a tortoiseshell cat, but she is not a carbon copy of her DNA donor. Her individuality is obvious from her slightly different coat pattern.

催化裂化装置中两器有龟甲网双层衬里或无龟甲网双层衬里隔热内衬。Double-layer heat insulation inner inner liner without tortoiseshell net, inner liner of high temperature hot air pipeline, inner liner of heating furnace and so on in catalyst creaking apparatus.

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小樱蝶是在法雷尔的“荒野地”里喂养的,那是他房子周围空地的小角落里,由一个原先种蘑菇的房子改造的,混杂生长着各种野花和花蜜丰富的荆棘。The Small Tortoiseshell is feeding in Farrell's "Bramblearium", a riot of wild flowers and nectar-rich brambles sitting in a small corner of the grounds around Farrell's house, a former mushroom farm.