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我无法抑制自己的热切的心情。I was unable to bate my enthusiasm.

售货员一分钱也不肯减少。The salesman won't bate a penny of it.

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对付硬皮的办法就是“软化"皮肤。Meeting crustaceous way is " bate " skin.

那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。The cruel landlord would bate him no rent.

但在目前,这一武器的运用被软化了。But be in at present, of this one weapon apply by bate.

不管是对是错,A先生在辩论中总是获胜。Whether right or wrong, Mr. A always wins the de- bate.

哈里斯和贝特夫人,还有其他三个老师在那里。Harris and Mrs. Bate and three other teachers were there.

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松扎·贝塔收藏了超过1万多对各种款式的鞋子!Sonja Bate has collected a lot of shoes-over 10,000 pairs!

能够软化角质,同时将营养送入肌肤深层。Can bate is corneous, send skin depth nutrition at the same time.

对米兰将是一场遭遇战,对博里索夫的比赛也很关键。Against Milan it will be a direct encounter and even the match against Bate is important.

由平板玻璃加热软化在模具中成型,再经退火制成的曲面玻璃。Heat by plate glass bate shapes in the mould, the curved surface glass that makes via anneal again.

未经加热的生果胶可软化大便,与膳食纤维共同起到通便作用。Be born without what heat pectic but bate defecate, have aperient effect jointly with prandial fiber.

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暖和的羽毛靠枕软化心情,而金属床架则勾勒一个古典的梦幻。Mood of warm bate of feather back cushion and metallic bedstead draws the outline of a classic dream.

贝特老是想知道是否能把他的设法改变为实际,但直到他落空工作也没做任何工作。Bate always wondered if he could turn his idea into reality, but never did anything about it until he lost his job.

玉笙并四五个侍女皆是屏息凝神地跟在我身后。The jade dulcimer combines all of 45 maids is with bate respiration concentrate ground heel at I is later necrosis.

我知道对手很可能借主场之利有出色的发挥,但是我没有预料到他们的速度这么快,这一点是不能否认的。We knew BATE would take this kind of approach, but they did surprise us with their pace, there's no point denying it.

拉涅利承认他对BATE的出色表现惊讶,他同时认为尤文图斯本来能够赢得比赛。Claudio Ranieri admits he was "surprised" by BATE Borisov, but that Juventus could've won after their nightmare start.

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第二组,包括对博里索夫踢了下半时的马尔基西奥,在进行技术训练。The second group, which included Marchisio despite him playing the second half against Bate Borisov, worked on technique.

目前我们缺少了莱罗塔列,这非常遗憾,这个赛季他表现的很好,和巴特博里索夫的比赛他是表现的最好的球员之一。We won't have Legrottaglie, which is a pity, because he's playing very well and also against Bate he was one of the best.

今天队长又开始了轻量的训练,他可能会在对博里索夫的比赛前恢复。Today the captain began training again without overdoing it and might be already available for the match against Bate Borisov.