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就像这里。And likewise down here.

注意看着我然后照样做。Watch me and do likewise.

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注意看着他然后照样做。Watch him and do likewise.

留心看着他并且照样做。Watch him and do likewise.

我和我的宫女也要这样禁食。My maids and I will fast likewise.

那些杀手,也全部死亡。Those cutthroats likewise all die.

门框同样为深色的胡桃木。Doorcase is brunet Walnut likewise.

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希望多尼伦亦能如此。Hopefully, Donilon can do likewise.

s层也是这样,自旋向上,自旋向下。Likewise with 2s, spin-up, spin-down.

我的名字也必将在回忆中消逝名字消亡如拭尘。And eke my name be wiped out likewise.

信封上也写满了字。The envelope itself was likewise full.

还有,背诵课也是这样。And also, likewise with the recitations.

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同样作工和福音不能相混。Likewise works and the gospel don't mix.

玛丽要回家了,奈尔也要回家。Mary must go home now, and Nel likewise.

希望读者们也能发现这些故事。May the reader find these stories likewise.

又来对小儿子也是这样说,他回答说,父阿,我去。And he came to the second, and said likewise.

以介螺壳制造珠子也非常费工。Bead manufacture was likewise labor-intensive.

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受风驱动的海流也有同样的变化。Currents generated by the winds likewise vary.

至于司铎和执事亦然。Likewise as touching a Presbyter and a Deacon.

诸菩萨众,亦复如是。The assembly of Bodhisattvas is also likewise.