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延长基尼亚将军的任期将确立他的地位。Extending the general’s term will entrench his position.

法西斯主义如果不消灭工人组织就不能牢固地掌握政权。Fascism cannot entrench itself in power without annihilating the workers' organizations.

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他们其实并不想那些平民政治家们参与政事,怕会损害到自己的权利。They were designed not so much to pass power to civilian politicians as to entrench the junta's own power.

其结果是加强了这些国家中黑帮基地组织的力量,进一步巩固了它的走私网。The result has been to consolidate the gang's base in these countries and further entrench its smuggling networks.

我们认为,积极参与是帮助巩固这些变化,促使它们进一步发展的最好方法。And we believe that the best way to help entrench those changes and see them go further is by an active engagement.

他们明白这项法律将牢固地确立毛毡皮包客们的权利,这些毛毡皮包客当初在国家将资产私有化时巧取劫掠了国有财产。They understand the law will entrench the rights of the carpet-baggers who have looted the state as it has privatised assets.

他们明白这项法律将确立外来政客们的权利。当国家将资产私有化时,外来政客们也夺取了国家。They understand the law will entrench the rights of the carpet- baggers who have looted the state as it has privatised assets.

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一些城市,如北京,已经出台政策巩固户口制度,所有的偏见也随之而来。Some cities, such as Beijing, have introduced policies that could entrench the hukou system and all the prejudices that go with it.

然而,欧洲国家保护、扩大、确认统治阶级的财富,依然维护着盗贼统治。The European states, however, remained as kleptocracies that worked to protect, extend and entrench the wealth of the ruling classes.

被吓坏的居民被迫在自家房子四周挖起壕沟,而灾祸只能靠巫术来平歇。The terrorized residents had to entrench themselves in their rooms, and the scourge could be defeated only by the arts of witchcraft.

布莱尔主义认为,福利和公共服务体系的设计缺陷,强化了社会不平等,阻碍了弱势群体的进步与发展。The Blairite view that design flaws in the provision of welfare and public service entrench inequality and hold back the disadvantaged is basically valid.

人民视纳吉为操纵霹雳州政变的幕后黑手,他是为了在巫统党选前巩固自己在党内的地位。The rakyat saw through the coup which was orchestrated to entrench Najib's position before the UMNO General Assembly where he was made the country's premier.

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正相反,这赋予了中共更多更好的资源,来壮大其力量并巩固其在国家经济社会中的地位。On the contrary, it has offered the Chinese Communist Party better and more resources to entrench its power and position in the country's economy and society.

但一旦这些占领者离开,伊拉克人能够建立并呵护一个稳定的、联邦制的、多元主义的民主制度的机会肯定仍少于一半。But once the occupiers have left, the chances that the Iraqis will entrench and cherish a stable, federal, pluralist democracy must still be rated at less than even.

报告还称,日本也展现出经济萎缩接近尾声的迹象,但复苏或将十分缓慢,经济低迷或将进一步加剧通缩态势.Japan is also showing signs that the contraction is near the end but the recovery is likely to be slow and the economic slack will likely further entrench deflation, the report said.

随着时间的流逝以及本亚明?内塔尼亚胡这样的以色列领导人进入犹太定居点,它们修建的位置在原本属于巴勒斯坦的领土,要想把他们从这里赶出去,难如登天。And as time passes and Israeli leaders like Binyamin Netanyahu entrench Jewish settlements on the land of a would-be Palestinian state, the harder it will become to prise them off it.

就像80年代希腊、西班牙和葡萄牙的加入一样,帮助了这些以前在法制与经济增长上未曾真正有过民主的国家确立了民主基础。As happened with greece spain and portugal in the1980s joining the eu club has helped entrench democracy the rule of law and economic growth in countries that for too long had none of these things.