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浅薄地表达深厚感情。To express deep feelings superficially.

那些铜制器具表面镀了一层黄铜。Those copper articles were superficially brassed.

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如果选举只是表面的民主,就失去了本来的意义。If elections remain only superficially democratic, they’ve lost their meaning.

他把高度的精明和温和敦厚的外表结合了起来。He combined consummate shrewdness with the disposition superficially to fraternize.

目前的治疗存在着表浅化、忽视深度治疗的倾向,有必要提出和研究治疗深度问题。There is at present a tendency to treat superficially and ignore the fundamental treatment.

从表面来看,这种个性化与传统的音乐相比已面目全非。Superficially , this kind of individualism is completely different from the traditional music.

所有这一切仅仅是表面上的不同而已,本质上是一回事。All of these are superficially different features, but can be viewed as the same thing, really.

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浅谈如何提高筒纱的内在质量,以满足下道工序的生产要求。Superficially talks how to enhance cone's internal quality, so as to satisfy the next process's request.

单看表面现象的人还以为那是外省的俗态,其实只是些朽木败絮。Persons but superficially acquainted with them would have taken for provincial that which was only antique.

1931年公众对爱迪生的赞美和80年后对乔布斯的溢美之词内容相似,但是这种相似只是流于表面。The public tributes to Edison in 1931 and those to Mr. Jobs 80 years later were similar, but only superficially.

所有河豚,外貌特征都非常相似,哈密尔顿说,但是这四种河豚却不属于同一家族。All river dolphins are superficially similar, says Hamilton, yet the four species don't belong to the same family.

英语里有些否定句表达的却是肯定之意,从而造成了汉译中的“是非”误区。Some English sentences are superficially negative, but they actually connote affirmative, which often confuses translators.

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缎子同斜纹布很接近,但没有斜纹组织常有的线条。Satin weave superficially resembles twill but does NOT have the regular step in each successive weft that characterizes twills.

笔者认为,我国非公有制企业劳资关系系统总体趋于稳定,至少从表面上看是平衡的。The writer believed that, the industrial relations in non-public enterprises tend to be stable or at least balanced superficially.

森鸥外所处的时代正在进行着效仿欧洲的改革,但是在很多方面又只是粗浅的表面的维新。In his time, the reform carried out in Europe was being copied, but in many respects this copy was merely superficially reformative.

大部分的时候,人们去艺术画廊对艺术的热情也就那么一点点-实际上他们想蹭酒喝还有见见一些朋友。Most of the time, people go to art galleries only superficially for the art — really, they want free drinks and to see their friends.

至少这一观点就是当下一篇通俗易懂、貌似合理的论文之核心,该论文由德杰罗姆·韦克菲尔德教授和阿兰·霍维茨教授合力进行深入探讨。This, at any rate, is the core of a popular and superficially plausible thesisadvanced by Professors Jerome Wake-field and Alan Horwitz.

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这份手稿虽然看来像是中世纪?金术士或草药医生的参考书,但似乎完全以密码写成。Although it superficially resembled the handbook of a medieval alchemist or herbalist, the manuscript appeared to be written entirely in code.

正常膀胱上皮浅表层最常见的是体积较大的伞细胞,随后是较小的中间细胞,细胞粘膜固有层更小。In normal urothelium larger umbrella cells are seen most superficially followed by smaller intermediate cells and the less cellular lamina propria.

图示子宫内膜腔面纵切面的子宫内膜腺癌,可见其向下浸润。The endometrial adenocarcinoma is present on the lumenal surface of this cross section of uterus. Note that the neoplasm is superficially invasive.