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阿隆索和汉密尔顿谁更强?Between Alonso and Hamilton, who is stronger?

但是任何的转会都决定于阿隆索是否转会去皇家马德里。Any move is now hinging on Alonso and Real Madrid.

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而阿隆索仍以96分的成绩踞于榜首。The table is led by Fernando Alonso with 96 points.

费尔南多·阿隆索是一级方程式汽车大奖赛车手,名扬四海。Fernando Alonso is a world famous Formula One racing driver.

接下来是费尔南多阿隆索和本田公司的亚诺特鲁利。Next up was Renault's Fernando Alonso and Toyota's Jarno Trulli.

起步的时候,我起的很好超过了阿隆索与科瓦莱宁。At the start, I got away well and had passed Alonso and Kovalainen.

特鲁利、阿隆索和莱科宁的进站又使他上到了第六位。Pit stops for Trulli, Alonso and Raikkonen then moved him up to sixth.

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我也相信不少人这时候正在抱怨阿隆索在维修站里消耗了哈密了顿的时间。I also bet many fans must blame Alonso holding his teammate in the pit.

在球队3-0战胜比利亚雷亚尔赛后,哈维·阿隆索在混合区接受采访。Xabi Alonso analysed the team's 3-0 win over Villarreal in the mixed zone.

我相信历史会证明阿隆索与哈密尔顿谁是强者。I believe the history will prove who is the best between Alonso and Hamilton.

对阿隆索位置造成压力将会是巴萨的另外一名球星,他就是布斯克茨。Pushing Alonso for his place will be another Barcelona star, Sergio Busquets.

让。克劳迪。布兰科正在为阿隆索的转会而四处奔波,同时还有其他转会。Jean Claude Blanc is working hard on the Alonso possibility as well as others.

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并且还刷新了阿隆索在2003年创造的最年轻杆位的记录!And refurbishing Alonso has also created in 2003 youngest pole position record!

劳拉·阿隆索领导阿根廷一个叫公民权力的组织。Laura Alonso heads a group in Argentina called Poder Ciudadano, or Citizen Power.

阿隆索和他的竞争对手将会在8月27-29在比利时斯帕重新回到赛道。Alonso and his rivals will be back on track at Spa-Francorchamps from August 27-29.

科恩特朗将在中场与哈维阿隆索搭档,他可以打任何位置。Coentrao will play with Alonso in midfield. He can play in practically any position.

阿隆索恐怕就没那么幸运了,他虽然参加了训练,但还是要和队医们待在一起。It will be more difficult for Xabi Alonso. He was training but only with the physios.

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阿隆索在2004年从巴斯克地区俱乐部皇家社会队转会到利物浦。Alonso signed for Liverpool in 2004 from Basque Country-based Spanish side Real Sociedad.

阿尔瓦罗·阿贝罗阿和哈维·阿隆索在与桑坦德竞技的赛后在混合区接受了采访。Alvaro Arbeloa and Xabi Alonso talked to the press in the mixed zone after facing Racing.

当阿隆索回到赛道上,前端右前轮最终在行驶时出现松动。When Alonso returned to the track, the front-right wheel eventually worked its way loose.