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我必须承认那兹就我的抒情短诗你。I had to acknowledge that you 're my madrigal.

他写的情歌仍然还在被人们传唱。The madrigal he wrote are still Sung by people.

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什么时候才是新的开始,结束这首悲伤的歌曲…When is the new beginning, the end of this sad Madrigal.

稍后,意大利牧歌成为最著名的作品。Later the Italian madrigal becomes the most distinguished genre.

最终露面时,玛丽向马德里加尔夫人表示了歉意。When Mary finally appeared, she made her apologies to Mrs Madrigal.

在情歌球场半场比赛结束的时候,我们告诉自己,我们必须进第二个球。During half-time at El Madrigal Stadium we told ourselves we had to score a second goal.

就在这位智利教头即将离开情歌球场前往皇马时,“训练场”栏目组同他进行了对话。The training ground spoke to Chilean shortly before he left El Madrigal for Real Madrid.

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他的创作涉及声乐、歌剧、器乐、牧歌等领域。His creations involve vocal music, opera, instrumental music, madrigal and many other fields.

这是一首男女对唱的情歌,有谁愿意和我一起对唱?This is madrigal that a men and women to sing, have who would like to with me together to sing?

作为一个著名3-6设置一个世俗的马德里加尔文字的声音也成为当时流行这个。A setting for 3–6 voices of a secular text known as a Madrigal also became popular at this time.

16世纪的意大利牧歌的发展在意大利经过了早期、中期和晚期三个阶段。Madrigal in 16-century Italy experienced early, middle and late stages. Claudio Monteverdi was an composer in the late stage.

老师的嗓子不错,尤其是唱牧歌,简直是天籁之音,浑厚有力、激情澎湃。The teacher's voice is true, in particular, to sing a madrigal is simply Sound Of Nature, vigorous strong, passionate emotion.

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马德里周六在情歌球场败北之后,巴萨赢得了俱乐部历史上的第19座联赛冠军。Barça has won the Spanish League championship for the 19th time in the club's history after Madrid's defeat this Saturday at El Madrigal.

我把这封用散文写的情诗折了起来,差约瑟夫送去,他把信交给了玛格丽特本人,她回答说她过一会儿就写回信。I folded this kind of madrigal in prose and sent Joseph with it. He handed it to Marguerite herself, and she told him that she would reply later.

从少年到中年、再到老年的蒙特威尔第,在超过半个世纪的时间里,始终醉心于牧歌的创作。From his teen to middle age, till the old age, Monteverdi has devoted his whole life to composing madrigal and publishing eight volumes of Madrigal altogether.

新一代的农民放弃了牧歌情调的乡村梦想,他们的乡村情感和恋土意识无疑在淡化。The new generation of farmer gave up the madrigal affective tone village vainly hope for that, their village emotion and loved the earth consciousness to desalinate without doubt.

阿森纳在情歌球场取得一个价值千金的客场进球之后,成为晋级的热门,但是温格认为下周在埃米尔球场第二回合并没有任何理所当然的东西。Arsenal are favourites to advance after scoring a potentially priceless away goal at El Madrigal but Wenger is taking nothing for granted ahead of next week's second leg at Emirates Stadium.

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上个赛季,阿森纳以一场与比利亚雷尔的平局参加了冠军联赛,因为在主场他的球队一比零战胜了对手。Last season, Arsenal reached the final of the Champions League following a goalless draw at Villarreal, an intense encounter at El Madrigal where his team defended a slender 1-0 first-leg lead.