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收费站?。Toll station?

站排去!Station platoon goes!

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我要一辆旅行车。I want a station wagon.

广州火车站?Guangzhou train station?

我给电视台打电话。I called the TV station.

他们在车站相遇。They met at the station.

下站是哪儿?。What's the next station?

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车站送别,依依惜别。Station to bid farewell.

我们乘出租汽车到车站去。We taxied to the station.

下站是调布吗?。Is the next station Chofu?

到达金钟站。Arriving admiralty station.

山立式站好。Hill Station Vertical good.

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我差点坐过站了。I nearly missed my station.

下一站是火炭。The next station is Fo Tan.

您的地方靠近捷运站吗?。Are you near an MRT station?

经济地位承认了。Economic station is admited.

无弹窗的安全站。No pop the security station.

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下一站是恒安。The next station is Heng On.

下一站是大围。The next station is Tai Wai.

那个站台只是一个梦而已。The station is only a dream.