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我很高。千叶県出身。I'm tall. I'm from Chiba.

我住在千叶県、东京的郊区。Living in Chiba Prefecture, near Tokyo, Japan.

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1997年获日本国千叶大学理学博士。D. degree by Chiba University of Japan in 1997.

夺得第一名的是来自日本千叶正人。The first prize was won by Masato Chiba from Japan.

米卡多和田场在千叶能够获得更好的教育。Mikado and Tensei can get better educations in Chiba.

千叶县浦安市崩裂的路。A collapsed road in Urayasu city, in Chiba prefecture.

雪惠还告诉他们,文哉现在在千叶的果园工作。Snow you also tell them, wen zai now in chiba orchard work.

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生于东京都,住在千叶县市川市。Experience was born in Tokyo, living in Chiba City, Sichuan cities.

千叶工业大学的研究团队希望在2012年前完善移动机器人的工作。The team at Chiba hope to have a fully finished mobility robot by 2012.

东京附近千叶市,燃烧中的天然气罐设施。Natural gas storage tanks burning at a facility in Chiba prefecture, near Tokyo.

首都东京位此,还有横滨、川崎、千叶等重要港市。In this capital of Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Chiba and other important port city.

当你想逃离城市时,你可以前往千叶县的松籁亭。When you want to escape the city you can always head for Chiba and the Mihama-en garden.

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1987年,29岁的野田佳彦当选千叶县议会议员。Mr. Noda was elected a member of the Chiba prefectural assembly in 1987 at the age of 29.

日本东京附近的千叶动物园里,一只幼年僧帽猴粘着它的母亲。A baby Capuchin monkey clings to its mother at the Chiba zoological park near Tokyo, Japan.

现在,千叶指出,无论东京面临的财政困难多么严重,都到了该清算的时候了。Now, Chiba suggests, it's time for the payoff, whatever fiscal problems Tokyo might be facing.

埼玉县、千叶县和横滨等地也发生2级地震。Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture and Yokohama and other places also occurred in 2 earthquake.

一面对中国,印度就尿裤子。印度人擅长的只是欺负一些小国。India sh*ts its pants when it cones to Chiba. Indians are only good at fighting smaller countries.

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在那须高原与千叶有两座私人美术馆,而在日本各地有多幅他创作的壁画。There are two private gallery of him locate in Nasu and Chiba in Japan and several frescos around Japan.

千叶罗德队将26号球衣做为永久欠番以象徵球迷们的贡献,代表在25人登录名单外的另一位球员。Chiba Lotte honored its fans by retiring the No. 26, representing an extra man on the team's 25-player roster.

其他受害的大学包括千叶大学,筑波大学,大阪大学和关西大学。Other universities hit were Chiba University, the University of Tsukuba, Osaka University and Kansai University.