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但是刚开始的时候的确是很痛苦。But it was acrimonious from the beginning.

但是,数周来的针锋相对可能使两党很难缩小分歧.But weeks of acrimonious dealings may make it hard to narrow the partisan differences.

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卢旺达南部的国家,都在中国扩张问题上存在尖锐的对立立场。Every country south of Rwanda has had acrimonious debates about Chinese "exploitation".

卢旺达南部的每个乡村都就中国”剥削“进行过激烈的辩论。Every country south of Rwanda has had acrimonious debates about Chinese “exploitation”.

虽然他对人很尖酸,刻薄,残忍,但是你尽量还是不要把关系搞僵的好。Although he is acrimonious and cruel to people, you'd better not mess up your relationship.

首相是在同欧洲偏左领导人的一场激烈会晤后发表上述看法的。The prime minister's remarks came after an acrimonious meeting of European centre-left leaders.

你越惧怕气象变更,税收或配额的力度就应越强。The more you abhorrence cliacquaintance cadheree, the more acrimonious the tax or quota should be.

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她只有尽力把树荫聚集起来,为他挡住毒辣的阳光。What she could do was just try her best to accumulate the umbrage , to turn back the acrimonious sun.

林肯建议斯坦顿,写一封内容尖刻的信回敬那家伙。Lincoln suggests Si Tan pauses, the letter that writes acrimonious of a content retaliates that fellow.

那次,在停摆开始后,工会花了6周时间才开始会谈,而且语气尖酸刻薄。Back then, it took six weeks for the parties to meet once the lockout began, and the tone was acrimonious.

智者中庸地观察着,不让任何偏激的感觉扰乱他对真理的觉察。The wise person observes neutrally , allowing no acrimonious feelings to distort his perceptions of truth.

这位边后卫在今年八月转会斯坦福桥后第一次面对老东家。The full-back faced his old side for the first time since his acrimonious move to Stamford Bridge in August.

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从那时起,约翰斯顿和佩林一家一直胶着于孩子探访权问题,双方争论日益激烈。Since then, Johnston and the Palin family have been locked in an increasingly acrimonious debate about access.

力拓被卷入了和中国之间长期的紧张的,有时候甚至是刻毒的年度钢铁议价当中。At the time, Rio Tinto was involved in tense and often acrimonious negotiations over the annual price of iron ore.

刚刚结束了硝烟弥漫的大选,丰塞卡便被指控谋刺总统拉贾帕克萨,意图抢班夺权。Shortly after he lost the acrimonious election, he was accused of plotting to assassinate Mr Rajapaksa and seize power.

基什内尔夫妇自去年在对对农业出口税的问题上引起的激烈争议并失败之后便放松了对权力的掌控。The Kirchners’ grip on power has slackened since they lost an acrimonious wrangle over taxes on farm exports last year.

纽卡斯尔高层表示希望与凯文·基冈就他们之间尖锐的矛盾达成共识。The Newcastle United hierarch say that the club is hoping to reach a settlement to their acrimonious dispute with Kevin Keegan.

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格里高利?佩雷尔曼的困境源自发生在2003年他和俄罗斯著名的斯特克罗夫数学研究所的不欢而散。Grigory "Grisha" Perelman's predicament stems from an acrimonious split with a leading Russian mathematical institute, the Steklov, in 2003.

在纽伦堡的激战中,葡萄牙击败荷兰,确保了世界杯四分之一决赛的入场券。Portugal have secured their place in the quarter-finals of the football World Cup, beating the Netherlands in an acrimonious match in Nuremburg.

公司老板一开始持拒绝态度,但是在法律诉讼、董事会日渐动摇、尖酸的攻击面前,他们退却了,至少看起来是这样。Biogen Idec’s bosses resisted at first, but in the face of lawsuits, boardroom manoeuvring and acrimonious attacks they relented-or so it seemed.