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那么就转舵向基督山。Then steer FOR Monte Cristo.

什么引起来蒙特格兰德镇的爆炸?What caused the explosion in Monte Grande?

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一场激烈的战斗发生在蒙特卡西诺地方。A fierce battle took place at Monte Cassino.

基督山向四周急速地瞥视了一眼。Monte Cristo cast a rapid glance around him.

基督山用一种不可抗拒的口吻问道。demanded the irresistible voice of Monte Cristo.

计算过程中采用了随机尝试法。A Monte Carlo procedure is used in the calculation.

我再也不在淡季得时候来蒙特卡罗了。I'll never come to Monte Carlo out of season again.

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1839年成立的马特罗莎是镇内最老的饭店。Built in 1839, Monte Rosa is the oldest hotel in town.

基督山岛隐约地耸现在地平线上了。The Island of Monte Cristo loomed large in the horizon.

一听到基度山的名称,丹尼斯内心充满喜悦。Hearing the name Monte Cristo, Dantes was filled with joy.

然后我们前往蒙特卡洛,去参观著名的赌场。Thereafter we went to Monte Carlo, to see the famous Casino.

他坐下来,基督山坐在他的对面。He sat down, and Monte Cristo placed himself opposite to him.

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我懂英语这个部分始终是蒙惕记分。I know English this section has always been the Monte to score.

后来居住在蒙特卡罗的牛顿一直工作不辍。Latterly based in Monte Carlo Newton went on working to the end.

事实上,蒙特卡罗技术要比暴力破解技术快得多。In fact, Monte Carlo techniques are much faster than brute force.

现在让我们开始讨论敏感性分析和蒙特卡洛模拟。Now let's discuss Sensitivity Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation.

本计划也以蒙地卡羅模拟來验证全部的分析结果。All the analytical results are verified by Monte Carlo simulations.

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亚历山大·杜莫斯·”基督山恩仇录分别于1845年和1846年发表。Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo was published in 1845 and 1846.

并用蒙特卡罗误差分析程序分析了两种解谱方法的输入数据误差。Monte Carlo error analysis code was used to analyse the input data errors.

“我的孩子,”基督山的脸红了,“允许我拿回那只钱袋吧。"My child, " said Monte Cristo, coloring, "allow me to take back that purse?