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在享乐主义的拉斯维加斯,六个星期就足够办完了。In hedonistic Las Vegas, six weeks is enough.

过着这种享乐而放荡不羁的私生活,西佐感到极为劳累。For one with such a hedonistic and varied private life, Xizor grew tired.

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但当她父亲决定再婚时,她那追求享乐的生活方式产生了变化。But her hedonistic lifestyle is transformed when her father decides to remarry.

随后,一名新的表演者登上舞台。音乐也从轻微的挑逗风格转变为享乐的快感。As new performers take the stage, the tone changes from subtle flirtations to that of hedonistic pleasure.

提起网络“放钩”,大多数人恐怕不会想象到会有如此快乐的情景。This is probably not the hedonistic situation most people envision when they think about Internet hookups.

也许,在快乐论的70年代,持续性植物状态的首次使用意义重大。It is, perhaps, significant that the first usage of persistent vegetative state was in the hedonistic '70s.

婴儿是绝对以快乐至上而不讲礼貌的,所以他们只会盯着让他们感到愉悦的东西看。Babies are wonderfully hedonistic and have no manners, so they stare at objects that they consider to be pleasing.

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香味愉悦,有芒果和菠萝的香味,与黄油橡树味混合在一起。高贵典雅的布根地白葡萄酒,口感非常丰厚。Rich and hedonistic , long mango, pineapple flavors integrated with rich butter oak. A generous wine, full of flavour.

但母亲的人说,她现在已经拒绝了她的生活,各地要以警告他人享乐主义的生活方式的危险。But the mother-of-one says she has now turned her life around wants to warn others about the dangers of a hedonistic lifestyle.

他终于在1985年拥向了同志社群,他加入了一个同志爸爸的组织,自嘲是过着“享乐主义的生活”。He eventually embraced the gay community that he once derided as a "hedonistic lifestyle, " joining a gay father's group in 1985.

马德里变革的某些方面影响深远,是爆发享乐主义与文化浪潮运动的城市的一部分。In parts of Madrid the changes were profound and certain parts of the city erupted into a hedonistic and cultural wave of events.

但是,这位只有一个孩子的母亲说,现在她的生活已经走上了正轨,她想告诫其他人,这种享乐的生活方式具有极大的危害。But the mother-of-one who says she has now turned her life around wants to warn others about the dangers of a hedonistic lifestyle.

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都市化的青年选择逍遥度日以此来逃避朝九晚五的乏闷,而“锐舞”文化就是他们的写照。The Rave scene reflected an urbanized youth that chose to live a hedonistic life as a means of escaping the drudgery of the 9 to 5.

接着,298人被问及风险的吸引力、冲动、是否将驾驶作为一项享乐的活动,以及对时间压力的认知。Then 298 people were asked about risk attraction, impulsiveness, driving as a hedonistic activity and perceptions about time pressures.

北京停止”享乐主义”广告饱吹——北京停止饱吹享乐主义或崇洋媚中性量的户中广告。Beijing bans "hedonistic" advertising Beijing has banned advertising hoardings that promote hedonism or the craven worship of foreign products.

北京禁止”享乐主义”广告宣传——北京禁止宣传享乐主义或崇洋媚外性质的户外广告。Beijing bans "hedonistic" advertising – Beijing has banned advertising hoardings that promote hedonism or the craven worship of foreign products.

我们自称相信上帝对婚姻和家庭的定义,但是我们的说话方式却表现出女权主义,人道主义,以及享乐价值。We claim to believe what God says about marriage and family, yet our speech patterns are just as likely to reflect feminism, humanism, and hedonistic values.

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“我发现在享乐主义上,尼姆倒和我们很想像,”他补充道,“似乎黑猩猩喜欢刺激、喜欢轰动和颠倒的状态。"An overlap that I find very interesting is the hedonistic side," he adds. "It seems hard-wired that chimpanzees like thrills and sensations and altered states.

传统谁更喜欢后者的结果往往尝试用呼吁的边际效用递减原则的平均主义分配的商品享乐功利主义者。Traditional hedonistic utilitarians who prefer the latter outcome often try to justify egalitarian distributions of goods by appealing to a principle of diminishing marginal utility.

作为政府想法缓和雄众对付国家平双差距加大的忧愁,北京已经禁止广告胀吹享乐主义或是高端生活方式。China's capital has banned outdoor advertising that promotes hedonistic or high-end lifestyles as the government seeks to ease public concerns about the country's widening wealth gap.