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粥太稀了。This gruel is too thin.

当芜菁甘蓝也没有了,你吃稀粥。When the turnips are gone, you eat gruel.

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但是,能不能同意,这样想还不够?But can we agree that this is pretty thin gruel?

可以吃点小米粥哦,这个很有营养的呢。Can eat millet gruel Oh, so this is very nutritious.

你们被喂粥的时候不要出声。中国是个傀儡。Stop slurping the gruel you're fed. China is a puppet.

我们这里有贴玉米饼、小米粥和菜饽饽。We have maize cake, millet gruel and vegetable pastry.

不过你也不必发誓再也不吃任何东西,而只是吃些粥。Don't swear off eating anything but boiled gruel just yet.

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想着,走入看时,只有一个龙钟老僧在那里煮粥。But inside he found only a doddering old monk cooking gruel.

吃的食物非常简单,老师一天三顿喝小米稀粥。The food was very simple-teachers ate millet gruel three times a day.

我冷冰冰地没有反应,但自顾自把我的半碗粥吃完。I icily didn't respond, but selfish my half bowl the gruel finishes eating.

正常,要给他添加有营养的食品,鸡蛋小米粥不能少。Normal, to let him add nutritious foods, eggs can not be less millet gruel.

后来他病好,又拿牛肉茶或是燕麦粥给他开胃。Later, when he was recovering, she made him appetising cups of beef-tea or gruel.

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Shawn对于没有尝试这杯黑色的米糊和豆奶深深后悔。Shawn deeply regrets not trying a cup of black rice gruel and soy milk for breakfast.

我想大约晚饭时间,汉娜端来一些粥和烤面包。Hannah had brought me some gruel and dry toast, about, as I supposed, the dinner-hour.

向晴唯有与向阳一起勤奋地在荔湾经营粥艇。To clear only has with toward the sun together diligently in the Li Bay management gruel ship.

他听着朝臣争执声,吵吵闹闹,如一锅沸腾的粥。He listens to courtier quarrels a voice and argue noisily, like a boiler of gruel of ebullition.

这天晚上众人在东摇西摆的小舱里吃麦片粥和邦硬的干酪,都闷闷不乐。It was a gloomy family that met that night in the swaying cabin for a supper of gruel and hard cheese.

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尤达斜靠在墙上,一碗麦片粥不偏不倚正倒扣在他的脑袋上。Yoda was leaning against the wall, apparently unhurt with a bowl of gruel tipped upside down on his head.

本文论述了黑米速食粥及黑米速食八宝粥的生产工艺的研发。This paper mainly studied the technology of producing black rice gruel and black rice quick-eatable gruel.

我们的早饭券包括一碗稀饭、二笼包子、一碟小菜。Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamed stuffed buns and a plate of dish.