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现今我觉得生活有说不出来的空虚。Now I feel my life unspeakably empty.

上帝是艺术家,他的创造神奇无比!God is an artist, and His creation is unspeakably magnificent.

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英文拼写系统“真是一言难尽的糟糕”。The English spelling system is 'absolutely, unspeakably awful'.

2003年的几个月中,一切变得无法形容的可怖。But in a matter of months in 2003 everything turned unspeakably grim.

但在2003年的那几个月后,一切都成了无言的悲伤。But in a matter of months in 2003 everything turned unspeakably grim.

好一阵子,她捧着我的这份礼物,仿佛这是一件无法用言语形容的最宝贵的器皿。She held my gift for a moment as though it was something unspeakably precious.

好一阵子,她捧著我的这份礼物,仿佛这是一件无法用言语形容的最宝贵的器皿。She held my gift for a moment as though it was something unspeakably precious.

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你是你自己人生的作者,何必要把剧本写得苦不堪言。You are your own life of the author, why put the script written suffer unspeakably.

第二日,仍然是上身的训练,所以苦不堪言。The second day , training , reason why still being the upper part of the body suffer unspeakably.

另外,每星期六都为了钱而发生的争吵已使她开始感到说不出的厌倦。Besides , the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her unspeakably.

但是他又看到,虽然人人富有但是一半病了就苦不堪言。However, he noticed that although people were affluent, once they fell ill, they suffered unspeakably.

爱是非常难,同时也说不出的美。在爱里生活,并且你真的活。Love is exceedingly difficult and unspeakably beautiful all at once. Live in love, and you truly live.

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死星是一个代号,专指帝国开发的一种武器,它的强大和可怕令人难以形容。The Death Star was the code name of an unspeakably powerful and horrific weapon developed by the Empire.

油腻的棕色皮肤看起来好像长著树瘤,那行动缓慢笨拙的样子有一种难以言喻的恶心。There was something fungoid in the oily brown skin, something unspeakably nasty in its clumsy movements.

我觉得像弥尔顿这样说出自己对职业如此高的希望,是很让人吃惊的。I think it takes your breath away to think of the unspeakably high hopes that John Milton had for his career.

我觉得米尔顿对自己诗人职业的要求期望之高,令人叹为观止。I think it takes your breath away to think of the unspeakably high hopes that John Milton had for his career.

我觉得像弥尔顿这样说出自己对职业如此高的希望,是很让人吃惊的。I think it takes your breath away to think of the unspeakably high hopes that John Milton had for his career.

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但我可以说的是,我的体验的最高点使我感到了无法形容的幸福。What, however, can be said is the fact that the culminating point of my experience made me unspeakably happy.

但是对于像罗尼这样数千名替美军工作的翻译者来说,离开伊拉克是难以形容地困难。But for Ronnie and thousands of other interpreters working with the U. S. military, getting out is unspeakably difficult.

这些天里,窗外是多么的热烈!不过现在,我觉得自己的生活有说不出的空虚。How ardently days! In these days, on the outside of the window, but on the other side, now, I feel my life unspeakably empty.