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可惜这样不起作用。Unfortunately this does not work.

遗憾的是,我没有抄一份留底。Unfortunately I made no copy of it.

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我可惜得叹一口气。Unfortunately I have to give a sigh.

我不幸错过了末班火车。Unfortunately , I missed the last train.

可惜我们不能早点完成。Unfortunately we cannot make it earlier.

不幸言中。The prophecy has unfortunately come true.

没想到你们就整出这结论!Unfortunately you come to this conclusion!

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可惜的是,这三位明星都未能出席。Unfortunately the three were unable to attend.

很不幸,它看起来不像Raoult定律。Unfortunately. Doesn't look like Raoult's law.

这样的不幸时有发生。Now that unfortunately happens quite regularly.

可惜我们无法扭转局势。Unfortunately we couldn’t turn the ship around.

不巧的是这仍然不可行。Well, unfortunately that still is not possible.

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但是可惜的是,NDoc现在已经不再被维护了。Unfortunately NDoc is no longer being maintained.

不巧所有的岗位已满。Unfortunately all the positions were by now full.

这样的大操大办反倒让新人不幸。Taking over this hand, so that new, unfortunately.

真不幸,自作聪明的家伙。我有数据。Unfortunately for you, smart-alec, I Got the Data.

可惜BF2引擎不能实现拖曳。Unfortunately the BF2 engine cannot handle dragging.

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但是他的不幸是暂时的。But unfortunately his inprovement was only temporary.

我们不能准确清楚地知道意识是什么,这有些遗憾。It’s not clear exactly what a mind is, unfortunately.

她是个可爱的孩子,但可惜爱抓人。She was a lovely child but unfortunately a scratcher.