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他的举止看上去很俗气。His manner seemed rather boorish.

他的虚荣是粗野和欺骗的。His vanity is boorish and fraudulent.

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他知道,她丈夫很粗野,经常打她。He knew her husband was very boorish and often striked her.

我更喜欢赵本山以前的带有更多乡土气息和令人捧腹的小品。I am more like the Zhao's past productions which have many boorish and can make a lot of people laugh.

在这里我们又看到了一个例子来显示他的蠢笨,他鼓励他儿子像他一样恶劣、俗不可耐。Here we see another example of his folly, as he encourages his son to be just as boorish and awful as he is.

作为儒家文化圈,格外有一种艳丽、喜庆乃至农民式的暴发趣味。And it shows especially a gaudy, celebrating and even boorish appetite of new-rich in the circle of Confucian culture.

这么久了,一提起你爸爸做的那些傻事我还觉得丢脸。"I feel so much shame for putting up with that stuff for so long," she says, referring to my father's boorish behavior.

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人们不愿意提到那些粗野的小孩子,对那些小坏蛋和他们粗鲁的父母也不以为然。Mention ill-mannered children and most people roll their eyes at the memory of a little hellion and his boorish parents.

在农民和工人当中,随地吐痰似乎更能够被接受。Both considered the act boorish and uncivilized. Spitting among the peasantry and the proletariat seemed more acceptable.

杜克大学执行副校长的检查对球队的“粗鄙行为”记录大加鞭策,艾利瓦说。The review by Duke's executive vice president was spurred by reports of "boorish behavior" by the lacrosse team, Alleva said.

最后,也许有些迹象表明那些庸俗的男人们知道自己是在做白日梦--这或许能从他们说大话的程度上表现出来。In the end, there might be some signs that boorish boys know they’re overreaching — and that may be expressed in the level of their braggadocio.

最后,也许有一些粗俗的男人发现自己过了头的迹象——这表现在他们吹牛的程度中。" In the end, there might be some signs that boorish boys know they’re overreaching — and that may be expressed in the level of their braggadocio.

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有且仅有一个原因可以解释为什么威尔玛和笨伯竟然能够生活在一起——老婆多少显得有点泼妇,老头则粗鲁滑稽。There is one reason and one reason only that a couple like Wilma and Fred Flintstone could stay together, despite her somewhat shrewish nature and his boorish antics.

从俯视宽广又初期的风景的山顶,一能见到从像某种粗野的打哈欠人的土壤矗立的圆的土制住处。From the mountaintop looking down upon the broad, primeval landscape, one can see the round earthen dwelling rising up from the soil like some kind of boorish yawning creature.

正是不甘心躯体被“文明”压瘪,粗野被“文化”吞没,人类才创造了体育。Is precisely is not resigned to the body quilt "the civilization" to press shrivelled, the boorish quilt "the culture" embezzles, the humanity has only then created the sports.

他因为对一位乘客的粗鲁行为感到愤怒,拿起对讲机,大声宣布辞职,然后打开紧急安全门,抓着两瓶啤酒,从滑道滑下。Angered at the boorish behavior of a passenger, he picked up the intercom, loudly submitted his resignation, pulled the ripcord, grabbed two beers and slid down the escape chute.

这样的话,其他住客就知道她是一个多没水准的,多没教养的一个人了…Compromising is the first thing one should learn when living in a unit, taking your anger towards an innocent three year-old is an unacceptably boorish behavior, in any parts of the world.

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于是,藏族祖先们利用当地特有的石头、牛骨和金属,将自己对于自然的理解和期盼融入其中,打造出了粗犷古朴而又神秘莫测的藏饰。Therefore, the ancestors in Tibet integrated their own understanding and wishes into this land and made boorish and mysterious Tibet-accouterments by the local stones, bones of cattle and metals.