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告诉过你他会是一只小猪来的。Anyways, you're not a porker.

告诉过你他会是一只小猪来的。Told you it would be a porker.

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要玩扑克必须玩钱吗?。Do you play Porker card only for money?

然后,你知道粗鲁的食用猪怎么回答吗?And do you know what that rude little porker answered?

用最好的猪做香肠是议会事,可把猪当成知音就太离谱了。Making sausages out of a prize porker is one thing, but making a soulmate of him is going too far.

另外我们在报告中提到的猪饲料仅仅指乳猪料、育肥猪和母猪饲料。In addition, the word "feed" in my report only refers to porker feed and sow feed, if not specified.

本课题研究与实桥应用,对大跨度斜拉桥施工监测监控做出了有益的探索,取得了较好的社会经济效益。The Studies of this paper is a beneficial porker to the cable-stayed bridges with long span, which will bring about a good social or economic benefit.

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猪是很聪明的动物,这或许就是穆斯林不喜欢它们的原因。我觉得这只小猪在表现的如此不屈不挠之后应当免遭被屠杀的厄运。Pigs are very intelligent creatures, probably why Muslims don't like them. I think this little porker should have been saved from slaughter after showing such tenacity.

因我国台湾需求旺盛.以日本为主的亚洲市场食用猪油货源供给紧张.食用猪油价格正在迅速上升。With the Asian market porker that Japan gives priority to oily supply of goods supplies insecurity. Case of porker oil price is rising quickly. In Chinese meal cooking.

试验结果为中药饲料添加剂在药残控制无公害生猪生产的应用推广提供了科学理论依据。It provides the scientific theory basis for the popularizing applications of Chinese herb feed additives in porker production of non-environmental pollution and control of residues of medicine.