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哦,你是个不自觉的仆从。Oh, you are an unconscious henchman.

他靠下属的奉承而发迹。He thrived on the adulation of his henchman.

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汉契曼先生认为“过去的2010年很可能是这种行为的最高峰”。“2010 will likely stand as the peak year,” thinks Mr Henchman.

窃听与夫人和她的刽子手格林里夫交谈。Eavesdrop on the conversation between Mrs. Greenleaf and her henchman.

一个小头目,和一堆肮脏的怪兽住在树林里。The addlehead's henchman living in the woods with all those filthy beasts.

它给了那些牺牲生命向詹姆斯·邦德开最后一枪的扈从们似是而非的理由。And it gives plausibility to the henchman who sacrifices his life to take a final shot at James Bond.

邪恶的短笛派出他的手下铃鼓去杀死所有可能阻挡他的计划的武术家。The evil Piccolo has sent his henchman , Tambourine to kill all the warriors that could foil his plans.

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阿富汗人民愤怒控诉拉丹及其走狗塔里班的滔天罪行。Afghanistan people cut up rough to sue to pull Dan and it the Tao of henchman Taliban day criminal acts.

“狗腿子”家在农村,兄弟姐妹一大堆,纯属困难户。This " henchman " came from a poor family in the countryside with a lot of younger brothers and sisters.

最讨厌狗腿子副班长马明川,对冷面班长莫遥也是敬而远之。Most be fed up with Ma Mingchuan of henchman assistant squad leader, to cold face monitor Mo Yao also is stay at a respectful distance from sb.

本周一,伊拉克以危害人类罪处死伊前总统萨达姆•侯赛因的表弟、绰号为“化学阿里”的前政权高官阿里•哈桑•马吉德。Iraq on Monday executed Ali Hassan al-Majeed, the Saddam Hussein cousin and henchman widely known as "Chemical Ali", for crimes against humanity.

还有俄罗斯黑帮毒枭尼高拉叔叔,他曾于三个国家服刑,现在与凶残的拍档操控著毒品交易。There is also 'Uncle' Nikolai, the Russian Mafia drug lord, imprisoned in three countries, but now dominating the trade with his brutal henchman.

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加里·丹尼尔斯饰演英国佬,加尔扎将军的主要追随者,前敢死队员,已被开除,渴望在战斗中对敢死队进行复仇。Gary Daniels as The Brit, General Garza's main henchman and a former Expendable who wants to go to war and get revenge against the team for kicking him out.

兄弟姐妹的竞争演变成了两兄弟之间的背叛,一位是总理第一候选人,另一位是某富商党羽。Sibling rivalry turned into betrayal between two brothers. One a prime candidate for Prime Minister, the other a henchman for a successful, yet shady businessman.

当邪恶和疯狂的科学家西蒙·巴希尼斯特与其走狗凯德威胁说要破坏整个城市时,超狗,这个忠于人类的最好朋友,或许就成为了市民们的唯一希望。When the bad and mad scientist named Simon Barsinister and his henchman Cad threatens to destroy the city, Underdog, truly men's the best friend, may be the citizens' only hope.

在19世纪30年代后期老希和他忠实的追随者希姆莱小心翼翼地训练党卫队的武装部队成为一支精锐的作战力量,元首想急于给阿门一次机会来证明这支部队究竟实力如何。Hitler and his loyal henchman Himmler carefully moulded the armed SS into an élite fighting force in the late 1930s, and the Führer itched to give it a chance to show what it could do.