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我只是和萨布丽娜保持联系。I'm just keeping up with Sabrina.

“宾克,还是有办法的。”萨布莱娜说。"Bink, there is a way, " Sabrina said.

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哈里森福特在“新龙凤配”这部电影中担纲演出。Harrison Ford stars in the remake of "Sabrina".

相形之下,用一年的劳役换来与萨布莱娜厮守终生。One year of service-in exchange for a lifetime with Sabrina.

“一年时间并不算长,”萨布莱娜低声说,“我会等你。”"A year is not so long, " Sabrina murmured. "I would wait. "

我在哪里可以看萨布丽娜巫婆的少女网上免费电影完全流?Where can I watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch movie online free full stream?

你还没有确认您是否想连接萨布丽娜范。You have yet to confirm whether you would like to connect with Sabrina Fan.

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“拜托,宾克!”萨布莱娜一把拉住他的胳膊,“我们还不想惹麻烦。”"Please, Bink! " Sabrina urged, pulling back on arm. "We don't want any trouble. "

然而,当他这样做了以后,却发现自己对萨布丽娜产生了比戴维还真实的情感。But in doing so, HE acquires feelings for Sabrina that are much more real than David's.

萨布丽娜一定会让她和萨姆保持距离,任何一个理智的女人都肯定会那么做。Sabrina would certainly tell her to stay clear of Sam, which any sane woman would surely do.

当萨布莱娜帮他给用海绵给贾斯丁敷伤口的时候,宾克意识到他已经做出了决定。As Sabrina helped him pack the sponge around Justin's wound, Bink realized that he had decided.

来自瑞士卢加诺的Banfi先生去年夏天和一起潜水的同伴Sabrina拍摄了这些快照。Mr Banfi, from Cadro, Switzerland, took these snaps last summer while on a dive with his partner Sabrina.

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当汤米13岁时,莎布琳娜即将13岁时,他们最后一次站在大橡树旁。When Tommy was thirteen and Sabrina soon would be, they stood together one last time beside the big oak tree.

诗篇的力量与Sabrina试图将女士,从僵局中解救出来所运用的力量密切相关。The power of verse has everything to do with the power wielded by Sabrina to save the Lady from her paralysis.

碰触着女士的指尖,Sabrina似乎在,头一次唤醒女士的触觉。In touching the Lady's fingertip, it's as if Sabrina were awakening for the first time the Lady's sense of touch.

“没事了,宾克,”贾斯丁的声音通过空气传来过来,“萨布莱娜来帮忙了,但是已经不需要了。"It is all right, Bink, " Justin's voice said in the air beside him. "Sabrina brought help, but it wasn't needed.

虽然身处“比基尼之都”巴哈马首都拿骚,但现年37岁的摄影师塞布丽娜“拉伊波恩从不担心自己是A罩杯。Sabrina Lightbourn, 37, a photographer in Nassau, the Bahamas, never second-guessed her A-cups, even in a land of bikinis.

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金属砍进木头的声音回荡开来。空中爆发出一声惨叫。宾克和萨布莱娜都跳了起来。There was the ringing sound of metal biting into wood. A scream of sheer agony erupted from the air. Bink and Sabrina jumped.

1954年“莎宾娜”让她获得了一个奥斯卡奖提名,1957年的“午恋”也得到了很多好评。Sabrina , in 1954, for which she received another Academy nomination, and Love in the Afternoon , in 1957, also garnered rave reviews.

你们也可以在Sabrina唱的那首歌中看出,由转变引起的,一些办法,看第897行。And you can see in the song that Sabrina sings something of the mechanism, perhaps, by which this transition is effected. Look at line 897.