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不过,他不能毫无必要地娶那个老女人。But he must not espouse the old lady needlessly.

你可没必要听信任何他们支持的蠢事。You don't have to swallow every dumbass thing they espouse.

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另一个设计目标是真正使用我们所倡导的技术。Another goal was to actually use the technologies we espouse.

一方面,我们信奉自由市场和珍视经济本身的选择。On one hand we espouse free markets and the premium of economic choice.

如果消费者不求斥金如土,但望勤俭持家,运通也希望一路有它。If consumers espouse frugality instead of ostentatious spending, Amex wants to be there.

几十个非塔利班组织都拥护激进的意识形态,并都愿与阿富汗政府作战。Dozens of non-Taliban groups espouse similarly radical ideologies and fight in Afghan-istan.

最终,或许我对自己年轻时所抱守的大部分不合时宜的观念现在早已不复认同。Perhaps as a result, most of the unpopular beliefs I held as a young man I no longer espouse.

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这些谁拥护以伊斯兰的名义暴力,凯比尔王菲说,扭曲了真正的信仰。Those who espouse violence in the name of Islam, says Kabeer Faye, have distorted the true faith.

我认为,其他框架和编程范例将毫无疑问地支持这些思想。There's little doubt in my mind that other frameworks and programming paradigms will espouse these ideas.

但是它不能告诉我们是否可以这样的方式走捷径--我们赞同的价值观就是正确该做的事。But it cannot tell us whether taking the easy path in terms of which values we espouse is the right thing to do.

我常听说有人信奉一种无知的哲学,特别当他们的老板是要求他们去做某些事的时候。I’ve sometimes heard people espouse a philosophy of ignorance when their bosses are asking for something to be done.

辛格总理应当坚定地反对哈哲分子,支持他们的诉求,但谴责他们的手段。Mr Singh should stand firm against the Hazarites, supporting the ends they espouse but decrying the means they propose.

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许多现在为中国在全球占有至高无上之地位而唱赞歌的人以前也曾认为日本——甚至欧洲——注定将主宰世界。Many who now espouse Chinese supremacy previously argued that Japan, and even Europe, was destined to dominate the world.

不仅仅是课程的参与者和老师倡导创意性写作技巧在商业中的重要性。It is not just the courses' participants and tutors who espouse the importance of creative writing techniques in business.

保守的基督教团体秉承着反同性恋的信念,他们推动了该国的反同性恋行动同时造成了巨大的影响。Conservative Christian groups that espouse antigay beliefs have made great headway in this country and wield considerable influence.

和其他有关这些游说团体的事情一样,他们所信奉的自由真实的不可接受的含义隐藏在可以接受的表面下面。Like everything else about these lobbyists, the true, unacceptable meaning of the freedom they espouse is hidden behind an acceptable front.

某些派别的信徒支持使用异常来检查参数和其他的前置条件,使用错误编码来报告程序中出错的处理。Some disciples espouse using exceptions to check parameters and other preconditions, and error codes to report processing errors within the function.

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装模作样地夸夸其谈说赞成这么做是相当容易,但是当我真得去感受我与之产生联系的每一个人时,却发现压力大得快要让我流泪了。It’s quite easy to espouse this as insincere rhetoric, but I find myself drawn close to tears as I actually get a feel for each person I connect with.

我们在生活中的其他方面都尊重男女平等,而在涉及到最高公职人员时我们继续把男权奉为神明,这是一种反常现象。We espouse gender equality in all other aspects of life, and it is an anomaly that in the rules relating to the highest public officer we continue to enshrine male superiority.

“我们主张男女平等,但是涉及到最高公职的法律却与此违背,仍继续保留男性优先权,”卡梅伦写到。We espouse gender equality in all other aspects of life and it is an anomaly that in the rules relating to the highest public office we continue to enshrine male superiority, " writes Cameron.