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“十二宫图”会影响我们吗?Does the zodiac affect us?

另有十二生肖中有蛇。Another twelve Chinese zodiac snake.

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这些是什么生肖首饰用的?What are these zodiac jewelry used for?

天秤座是黄道十二宫的第七宫。Libra is the seventh of the zodiac signs.

你知道黄道带上共有多少个星座吗?How many star signs are there in the Zodiac?

天秤宫天文学中黄道上的第七宫。The seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology.

事情是这样的,没有实际的新星座。The thing is, there is no actual new zodiac.

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在黄道十二宫里它是有名耽于声色,主义。It is also the most Sensual sign in the zodiac.

双子座真的是黄道带上的调情圣手吗?But the Gemini are really the flirts of the zodiac?

然而,他们都是十二生肖的象征。However, both of them are fixed signs of the Zodiac.

这是非基督教所改制的黄道十二宫的十字架。It is a Pagan adaptation of the cross of the Zodiac.

这十二宫也就是黄道十二星座。These Houses are known as the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

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十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.

我象狼一样,认为他们应该是黄道十二宫的动物。I like wolves and think they should be a zodiac animal.

更重要的是,黄道带对双子座的爱情观有何影响?What can the zodiac reveal about the Gemini love-habits?

金牛座和其他十二宫的星座相比较,它是离地球最近的。No other sign in the zodiac is close to earth than Taurus.

生肖鸡具有更好的在所有生肖财富。Zodiac of Chicken has better fortune among all the zodiacs.

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古代天文学家把黄道带分为12等分。The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments.

你或许是黄道带中最具品味的星座。You are probably the most truly tasteful people of the zodiac.

尽管我的属相是猪,我可不像表现得像它一样。Although my animal zodiac is pig, I don't want to act like one.