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由于过度磨损而不可用。Unserviceable due to excessive wear.

螺纹损坏后不可用。To damage threads to an unserviceable condition.

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及时更换任何损坏、缺失或不可使用的保护装置。Have any damaged, lost or unserviceable protective equipment replaced immediately.

如果一支手枪被视为动作不正常或不安全的,则不得出现于比赛之中。If a handgun is declared unserviceable or unsafe, it shall BE withdrawn from the competition.

陆基洲际弹道导弹成了废物。只能呆在发射井里。Land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles will be rendered unserviceable in their silos.

达到报废标准的机动车不得上道路行驶。A motor vehicle which reaches the standards for being discarded as unserviceable shall not run on road.

在一场比赛里,选手必须在所有的赛事中使用同一把手枪。This includes the instance where a handgun is declared unserviceable or unsafe during a course of fire.

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这是信息R,预计使用32号跑道盲降进入,精密进近雷达不能使用,因为维护,等候进一步通知。This is information R, expect runway 32 ILS approach, PAR is unserviceable due to maintenance until further notice.

这是情报R,预计使用32号跑道盲降进入,精密进近雷达不能使用,因为维护,等候进一步通知。Th is is information R, expect runway 32 ILS approach, PAR is unserviceable due to maintenance until further notice.

据拍卖网站的说法,除了竞标出售以外,“无敌号”还移除了引擎,其发电机和水泵也都“基本上无法工作”。In advance of the sale, the HMS Invincible had its engines removed and its generators and pumps are "generally unserviceable or not working, " according to the auction website.

奥赛梯人的祖先定居在五个山岭中,但是土地昂贵,他们只能选择风大的和最没有用处的地方建造墓地。The ancestors of Ossetians settled down on the five mountain ridges, but the land was so expensive they were forced to choose the windiest and most unserviceable place for their cemetery.

联邦法律禁止任何人,除了钢瓶制造商以外,修理乙炔钢瓶。只能由有经验的人来处理废弃钢瓶。Federal Law prohibits persons, other than cylinder manufacturers, from repairing acetylene cylinders. Disposal of unserviceable cylinders should only be attempted by experienced personnel.

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我曾接触过你们协助遣返金钱和财产留下我的当事人之前,他们已没收或申报不适用该银行如这个巨大的存款被提出。I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this huge deposit was lodged.