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另外,法果的本质是一种绝对的美。Examining on dharma-dh ta is a esthetic judgment.

从美学的观点来看,那是一个美丽的大陆。From the esthetic view, it was a beautiful continent.

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这里别无他物,唯两个大国的至高审美。Here is nothing but the highest esthetic of two countries.

组合得体,给人以飘飘欲仙的美感。Combines appropriately, for human by graceful esthetic sense.

这是一个多层互指的审美情感体系。This is a multilayer mutually referring esthetic emotion system.

在这种追求中,也不排斥某些感性与物欲的要求和倾向。In this pursuit esthetic and substantial requests are not repulsed.

第四章主要分析方本的审美价值。The fourth chapter discussed esthetic value in the Fang"s writing."

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第三章简析了墨戏的审美品格。The third chapter has analyzed the ink play esthetic moral character.

第三部分“宋代隐逸审美文化的基本特点”。Part Three"the Song Dynasty esthetic culture of reclusion's essential feature".

本文就声乐教学中的审美化问题试作粗浅探索。This article on vocal music teaching in esthetic question test shallow exploration.

正确评价审美时尚,是当前一个亟待解决的理论课题。It is imperative on us to attempt a correct evaluation of esthetic fad theoretically.

美、审美、创美的超越性特征具有内在的逻辑联系。There is an inherent connection among beauty, esthetic judgment, and beauty creation.

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现代浴室不仅可以带来健康,还能给予我们审美的快感。Modern bath-house can bring not only health benefits but also give an esthetic pleasure.

他认为人生的理想状态是审美的,应当开发“内在生活”。He thought the life the perfect condition is esthetic , must develop "the intrinsic life".

这一文学现象与清代社会风气与清人审美观念有关。This literary phenomenon was affected by the social morals and esthetic ideas at that time.

本文从音乐审美功能角度论述音乐的历史延续性和易变性。The article discuss the historic continuity and inconstancy of music from esthetic viewpoint.

吕澄先生的美学思想是从日本移植而来,缺乏自己的主见。Mr. Lu Cheng's Esthetic ideology is transplanted from Japan, which is lack of his own opinion.

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当我如此沮丧,沮丧到了死的地步,我如何才能继续谈论美,并且进行美的谈话呢?How could I still speak of beauty, and make esthetic remarks, when I am so sad, sad unto death?

这标示出了“趣”作为我国古代文论审美范畴的盛兴。All these mark the boom of "Qu" as an esthetic category of classical Chinese literary criticism.

审美教育在学校教育中应占据突出的地位,发挥应有的作用。Esthetic education should hold a prominent position in the school education and play a due role.