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为什么鬼魂要讲“boo”?Why do ghosts say "boo"?

食尸鬼出嘘约克咬一口!Thee ghouls are taking a bite out of Boo York!

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吉布森是年夜丹狗,而布布则是吉娃娃狗。Gibson is a Great Dane and Boo Boo is a Chihuahua dog.

你最亲的表妹出国了,唉。Your favorite cousin is moving across the country, boo.

我必须尽快获得医疗,布布还太年幼无法帮我报仇。I must get aid soon. Boo is too young to have to avenge me.

富威廉姆斯,艾弗森的分配数量单位的教练之一,打断了他。Boo Williams, one of Iverson's AAU coaches, interrupted him.

上一次我们看到卢斯是当她的儿子布布1993年4月去世。The last time we saw Luz was when her son Boo Boo died April 1993.

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布布需要活动活动,免得他咬上我们抓不到痒的地方。Boo must have his exercise, lest he bite us all in hard to reach places.

你不要看她一付天不怕、地不怕的样子,其实她胆子很小的。Do not see she's not afraid anything. In fact, she can't say boo to a goose.

阿森纳的主帅请求球迷不要嘘他们的前队友,温格显示出了自己的层次。The Arsenal manager showed class asking supporters not to boo their ex-player.

充满邪恶臭气的地方,捂住你的鼻子,布布,我们要翻遍每个角落。A den of stinking evil. Cover your nose, Boo , we will leave no crevice untouched.

他们在家可能是主人,但不知道什么时候才能对酒店的经理表示不满。Master in his own house, he has little idea of when to say boo to a maitre d'hotel.

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他在自己家里是主人,但对什么时候可以对旅馆管事者表示不满,几乎一无所知。Master in his own house, he has little idea of when to say boo to a maitre d'hotel.

他们在家有可能是主人,但不知道啥子时候才能对酒店的经理表示不满意。master in his own house, he has little idea of when to say boo to a maitre d'hotel.

那么在世界上其他地方的鬼魂,他们也有自己吼叫的版本吗?And what about ghosts in other parts of the world—do they have their own version of boo?

直到19世纪,“boo”这个词也出现了嘲弄的意思。The use of the word boo for jeering doesn’t seem to have come about until the 19th century.

因为“boo”是单音节单词,它也可以迅速发声,这样使其更增加了惊恐氛围。Since boo is a monosyllable, it can also be said very quickly, which may add to its scariness.

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我读啊读,一直读到漫漫长夏结束,秋天慢慢来临,读到书中的另一个主角布?拉德力出场。I did not stop until one long summer had ended, a fall had taken its place, and Boo Radley had come out.

浊塞音“b-”和咆哮的“-oo”音联合起来,使得这个“boo”变成了一个格外吃惊的单词。The combination of the voiced, plosive b- and the roaring -oo sounds makes boo a particularly startling word.

中国被激怒了吗?哎哟喂,谁在乎啊?为了维护我们的利益和盟友,我们会做所有必要的事。China has been angered? Boo Hoo who cares? We will do what is necessary to protect our interests and our allies.