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为了逗我笑,父亲从一根长长的吸管里,把肥皂泡吹进那带虹彩色泽的天地之间。To amuse me, Father blew soap bubbles into the rainbow- hued space from a long straw.

特别强力的防具可能完全由明亮色调的或透明的水晶组成。Particularly powerful armor and shields may be entirely composed of brightly hued or transparent crystal.

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中秋的黄昏阳光,温暖而多情,斜通过古董窗棂筛、浇注温暖的家色调的影子。Mid-Autumn evening sunshine, warmth and Sentimental, slanting through the antique window lattice sieve, pouring a warm house hued shadow.

哪一款淡黄色的伏特加产于波兰东部,有浓郁的青草味道并以此得名?This yellow- hued , aromatic vodka is only produced in Eastern Poland and flavored with rare species of grass from which it derives its name.

一座小桥横跨其上,下游一个琥珀色的小沙丘从远处深蓝色的小湾延伸下来,锁住了小湖。A bridge spanned it midway and from there to its lower end, where an amber- hued belt of sand hills shut it in, from the dark blue gulf beyond.

第二个楼梯是橘色的,通向主卧。它有更微妙的色调,设有一扇转角窗,可以看到伦敦的天际线。The second staircase, orange in colour, leads to the master bedroom. It is more subtly hued and features a corner window with views of London's skyline.

在实验室测试中,Kawata和同事制成了一个苹果、一朵花、一只日式纸鹤及若干其他物品的真实色调全息图。In their lab tests, Kawata and his colleagues created realistically hued holograms of an apple, a flower, a Japanese origami crane, and several other objects.

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「穿著传统服饰对我来说很平常。」她说,戴著薰衣草色系的头饰,整齐地扎在头发里,穿著同色系的上衣,还系著一条奶黄色的短衫。"This is normal for me, " she said, a lavender- hued headdress tucked neatly into her hair, and wearing a similarly colored top tied over a simple cream blouse.

萨布巴的赛车是个壮观的庞然大物。它是个橙色调的蛮横车辆,沉重而轰鸣的引擎咆哮着,似乎强到可以把对手直接撞翻。Sebulba's Podracer was an imposing giant, an orange- hued bully of a craft whose pounding, thundering engine roar seemed powerful enough to knock down opponents.

她虽然生在女子还没有灵魂的时代,她却是一个灵魂,是一个紫红色的比火更灿烂、比朝暾更鲜艳的灵魂。Although she lived at an epoch when women had, as yet, no soul, she was a soul, a soul of a rosy and purple hue, more ardent hued than fire, fresher than the dawn.

魔术师应一位热情的崇拜者的邀请来到这个偏远的小镇,崇拜者是个苏格兰人,穿着卖弄风情的短裙。The illusionist has come to the dramatically, moodily hued island village, at the invitation of an enthusiastic admirer, a Scot with a deep thirst and a flirty kilt.

蠕动的、通过显微镜可见的硅藻有着强壮有力的细丝,是水藻的一种,通过偏振光透镜拍摄的结果是被人为地渲染上彩虹色彩。Sinewy filaments within squirming microscopic diatoms, a type of algae, are artificially rainbow hued as a result of being photographed through polarizing light filters.

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然而这些年来,纽约,这个建立在岩石上但根基不牢,紧张不安,熙熙攘攘,多彩如梦的神奇城市却成了我的巨型机械孵卵器。But New York, that magic city on rock yet ungrounded, nervous, flowing, million- hued as a dream, became, throughout the years I am recording, the vast mechanical incubator of me.