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指挥官要下属绝对服从。The commanding officer expected unquestioning obedience from his men.

我们必须无条件服从上级的命令,无论是什么命令我们都要表示服从。We have to act in unquestioning obedience to the orders of our superior.

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你是对的,我的国家值得我不加思考与无条件地支持。You're right, my country deserve my unthinking and unquestioning support.

从昨晚有位搭档的放荡之后,你将不再期待任何坚定不移的听从。You can hardly expect unquestioning obedience from last night's partner in a debauch.

对毫无疑问的效忠的要求,迫使人们变成毫无意义的仪式表演中的小道具。The demand for unquestioning loyalty forces people to become bit players in empty rituals.

一个没头脑的士兵是一个忠诚的士兵,从不怀疑命令,容易控制,而且绝对无所畏惧。A mindless soldier is a loyal soldier, unquestioning of orders, easily controlled, and absolutely fearless.

这有利于社会整体的运作,但它是不加质疑地肯定,可能阻止你创新思维的天性。This is good for society overall, but it’s that sort of unquestioning consensus that inhibits your natural creative abilities.

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这就是为什么去年大众对巴拉克·奥巴马的深信不疑正慢慢消散,取而代之以消沉绝望。That's why the unquestioning faith in Barack Obama of the past year -- now slowly dispersing -- has been as disempowering as despair.

因感激总统,直到2006年金融危机爆发之前离任时,Snow对他的政策都一直给予毫不犹豫的支持。Snow obliged the president and gave unquestioning support to his policies until leaving office in 2006, just before the crisis erupted.

有一丝笑容在她的脸上一闪而过。她的姐姐感到不安,显然在她们之间无疑有着割不断的亲情系着彼此。There are occasional smiles, glimpses of the woman that might have been. Her sister frets close by, they are bonded by a family's unquestioning love.

由于我们处在一个对创新的价值绝对崇拜的时代,在公司中形成了过度片面强调回报的理念。Since we live in an age of such unquestioning faith in the virtues of innovation, there can develop in companies a strongly one-sided system of rewards.

孩子们可以任意想象有关魔法的事情,可以相信善恶斗争的绝对纯粹、尽情沐浴天真无邪、不折不扣的友情。A child is free to wonder about magic, to believe in the clear purity of the struggle between good and evil, to bask in simple, unquestioning friendships.

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归来的英雄们不再抱有这样神圣和毫无疑问的热忱,而这种热忱却是他们的父辈,祖父辈典型的特质。Alas! The returning heroes were no longer animated with that holy and unquestioning zeal which had been so characteristic of their parents and grandfathers.

传统上,中国女性谦逊恭谨。她们被要求遵守妇道,并且要绝对服从家族中的男性。Traditionally, Chinese women were submissive and they were required to submit themselves to the female ethical criteria and show unquestioning submission to the males in their families.