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您扁桃体发炎了。You've got tonsillitis.

什么是扁桃体炎?有哪些危害?What is tonsillitis? What harm?

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了解扁桃体炎的症状和治疗。Learn about tonsillitis symptoms and treatment.

至于他的扁桃体炎,我会记住一段时间的。As for the tonsillitis he suffered, I will remember for some time.

因此在发现患有扁桃体炎时应及时予以治疗。So in found that people with tonsillitis shall be timely treatment should be.

急性扁桃体炎是儿科病的常见病与多发病之一。Acute tonsillitis is one of the common and frequently-occurring diseases including.

我的右耳却像是被火烧了一般,扁桃体炎在我体内的肆虐并未停止,只是暂时得到了控制。My right ear is a blur of inflammation, the remnants of tonsillitis only just under control.

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目的观察慢性扁桃体炎患者脑电活动变化。Objective To observe the changes of brain electric activity in chronic tonsillitis patients.

我又扁桃体发炎,而且会传染,如果细菌病毒过给妈妈怎么办?I had tonsillitis and I was contagious! What if I had given her some of my germs?She was in heels!

扁桃体炎是一种炎症扁桃腺,这是小腺体,位于后面的您的咽喉。Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, which are small glands located at the back of your throat.

小时候患过的扁桃体炎应该是增加了我的易感性。Having suffered from tonsillitis since I was a child, it’s likely that my flu increased my susceptibility.

面临星期二的遭遇战,这位状态正佳的前锋正在遭受高烧和扁桃腺炎的困扰。The in-form striker is suffering from a high fever and tonsillitis ahead of Tuesday's encounter at San Siro.

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应用蓝芩口服液治疗中医辨证属于肺胃实热型的小儿咽炎、扁桃体炎30例,疗程3天。Lanqin Liquid" was used to treat 30 cases of pharyngitis and tonsillitis of lung-stomach excess-heat syndrome."

扁桃体炎使我发高烧,因此错过了上一场在伯纳乌的比赛。Fortunately it's history, but the tonsillitis gave me very high fever and I missed the last match at the Bernabéu.

风湿热由链球菌感染引起,病童最初症状通常是嗓子痛或患扁桃体炎。Rheumatic fever is caused by streptococcal bacteria, which usually begins as a sore throat or tonsillitis in children.

他生前就曾饱受疾病之苦,曾患肾病、天花、伤寒、扁桃腺炎及咽喉炎。Mozart suffered illness throughout his life, including kidney disease, smallpox, typhoid fever, tonsillitis and strep throat.

因为患上扁桃腺炎而缺席了里斯本之战的因扎吉也坐在了替补席上,随时准备替补出场。After recovering from the tonsillitis that prevented him from playing in Lisbon, Inzaghi took place on the bench, ready to come in if necessary.

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采用冷冻疗法治疗50例慢性扁桃体炎患者,并用单克隆抗体检测治疗前、后机体免疫功能。Cryosurgery was performed on 50 patients with chronic tonsillitis. The alteration of body immunologic function was studied by monoclonal antibodies.

结果病例排除白喉诊断,认定为溶血隐秘杆菌感染造成的化脓性中毒性扁桃体炎。Results The diphtheria were excluded, . and the diagnosis were suppuration, intoxation, tonsillitis caused by arcanobacterium haemolyticum infection.

有些扁桃体炎患者在接受扁桃体切除术后又再发扁桃体炎,本研究旨在调查这些患者扁桃体表面和深部组织培养是否存在着差异。This study was conducted to investigate whether there is any difference between tonsillar surface and deep tissue cultures in patients who underwent tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis.