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怎样使用顺势疗法药物How to Use Homeopathic Medicine

顺势疗法是基于“以毒攻毒”的原理。Homeopathic treatment is based on the "like cures like" principle.

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而且,作为一种顺势疗法药物,没有任何副作用。And, as a homeopathic medicine, there are no reported side effects.

在所有顺势疗法的药物中,都使用到了纯净水和酒精。As with all homeopathic formulas, alcohol and purified water are used.

在顺势治疗的理论里,皮肤病或发疹是众多情况里最轻微的。In homeopathic theory, skin ailments and eruptions are the most minor of all conditions.

使用这种顺势疗法药物,就算量很小,也会对你的免疫系统产生作用。With homeopathic medicine, even a very tiny amount will set your immune system in action.

根据顺势疗法,山金车是对付关节炎的典型外用疗方。As a homeopathic remedy, arnica is often recommended as a topical mean to treat arthritis.

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每个药片包含三种顺势植物可以缓解不适症状。Each tablet contains three homeopathic botanicals that relieve the uncomfortable symptoms.

在我地公司的什么一款顺势的商品上没有到期日的标法,除了Hyland's的维生素C小片。There is no expiration date on any of our homeopathic products, except for our Hyland's Vitamin C.

把药物放在舌头下的原因是这样能够使药物快速溶解进入血液。The reason homeopathic medicine is put under your tongue is for quick absorption into your blood stream.

雪飘到脸上后,立即溶化,雪顺势流下,清洗人们的心脾。Piao to the face immediately after the melting of the snow homeopathic shed, cleaning people's Heart and.

Tafel的公司是在世界上一个最古老和最受人尊敬的顺势公司。The Boericke and Tafel company is one of the oldest and most respected Homeopathic companies in the world.

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无香味意味着那些过敏患者和顺势疗法的追随者可以安全的享受泡泡浴。No fragrance means allergy sufferers and those following homeopathic regimens can enjoy bubble baths safely.

本产品的全天然的顺势配方缓解叮咬和刺痛的不适症状。Hyland's Bug Bite Relief is an all natural homeopathic formula for first aid treatment after bites and stings.

肝脏排毒,顺势补救措施,减轻了肝脏因过度工作或或解毒造成的毒性肝的症状,如疲劳的感觉。Liver Detox, a homeopathic remedy, relieves symptoms of an over-worked or toxic liver, such as feelings of fatigue.

顺势疗法产品是天然的物质,能温和的刺激机体的自我治愈的能力。Homeopathic medicines are natural substances which work by gently stimulating the body's own self-healing abilities.

如果你对酒精过敏,那就不要使用华尔桥尖锐湿疣灵或其他的顺势疗法药物。If you are allergic to alcohol, you should not use Wartrol Homeopathic Genital Wart Relief, or any homeopathic medicine.

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最体贴的产品都会在里面添加精油以及其他营养疗方,例如顺势疗法。Most thoughtfully made products have essential oils and other nourishing healing ingredients in them such as homeopathic remedies.

Hyland's研发的天然顺势疗法的配方是用最高品质的天然配方,按照最严格的生产标准制造的制剂。Hyland's develops homeopathic formulas with the highest quality natural ingredients following the strictest standards for preparation.

使用正确的同类疗法制剂和病理制剂可以有效的帮助SLE,但是必须先找出并且去除起因。Using correct homeopathic remedies and nosodes can help the SLE cases effectively. But first of all have to find and clean the causes.