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很害怕,他静悄悄的坐在那里。Frightened , he sits there soundlessly.

是胡安娜起身了,几乎没有声音。It was Juana arising, almost soundlessly.

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我蹑手蹑脚地上楼,悄无声息地打开门。I crept upstairs and tried to open the door soundlessly.

就在我注视戴比的时候,它转过身,静悄悄地出了客厅走了。As I watched she turned, crept soundlessly from the room and was gone.

我暗自念叨着安东尼的话,默默地学他的语调。I repeated to myself Anthony's words, catching his accent, soundlessly.

他们通常只是静悄悄地来,但对于我们来说这确实很不错。They just come soundlessly normally, but to us this really very pretty good.

于是当夜幕降临,我们悄悄的缓缓接近敌人的营地。So when darkness came, we walked slowly and soundlessly to the Midianites' camp.

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于是当夜幕降临,我们悄悄的缓缓接近敌人的营地。So when darkness came, we walked slowly and soundlessly to the Midianites’ camp.

有一种真情,可以平静的相忘于江湖。There is one kind of true feelings that would soundlessly fade away into the life.

我的灵肉都在无声呐喊,我不要离去,我要活下去。Both my spirit and body shout soundlessly that I don't want to die, and I want to live.

你要当心那些鬼魂,还要记住天亮前杀死所有的战士!Beware of ghosts of ancient warriors! Kill all mortals soundlessly before the sun rises!

这架西科尔斯基号直升飞机悄无声息地在沙丘上空盘旋,螺旋桨把细沙吹下了斜坡。Soundlessly the Sikorski circled the dunes, its fans driving the fine sand down the slopes.

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可用“振动”无声地和远距离寻呼爱犬。传达主人的口令。You can call your dog soundlessly by "vibration" and convey your orders in a long distance.

我会永远在你看不见的地方,默默的祝福你的,希望你幸福。I will bless you soundlessly in somewhere away from your sight and wish you to be happiness.

我高举起钥匙,松开手让它落下来,看着他的手闪电般地掠过,无声地抓住它。I held the key high and dropped it, watching his hand flash like lightning to catch it soundlessly.

甜言蜜语令人心醉,而久久的凝视则无声的交流着信任,信心,和关怀。Sweet words makes lovers drunk, while long gaze in the eyes exchanges trust, confidence and care soundlessly.

它采用“太空时代”的记忆棉,让它的支撑能力超群,即便在底部装有一个静音的发动机。The space-age viscoelastic foam makes it super-supportive while the bottom mounting motor functions soundlessly.

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但是,小敏每次总是以“此时无声胜有声”来回应他。But, small quick always be every time with " get the better of soundlessly right now phonic " will respond to him.

大自然无声地挥动着无形的巨笔,从一个山头到另一个山头,以斑斓的色彩覆盖大地。Nature soundlessly waving invisible giant pen, from a peak to another peak, the ground is covered with multicolored colour.

但现在的我穿着考究的衣服坐在别人的宝马车里。却想起自己高中时候的单车怎样驶过了一个又一个无声的黄昏。But now I am wearing formal clothes sitting in another's well-made car, thinking back to how did my high school bike soundlessly pass through countless dusks.