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琳达.雅各布爱她的狗——戴维。Linda Jacobs loves dog Davy.

戴维逐渐地取得进步。Davy made progress gradually.

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我的大卫克罗基特帽子在哪?Where's my Davy Crockett hat?

我们比戴维·克罗克特赚的钱还多。We got more money than Davy Crocket.

戴维被分配到乡下。Davy was assigned to the countryside.

当戴维跑开的时候,琳达正在做什么?What was Linda doing when Davy ran away?

戴维在火车站外又遇到了另外一条狗。Davy met another dog outside the station.

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戴卫把手伸进箱子里,咯咯笑着。Davy put his hand into the box and laughed.

当琳达在找戴维的时候,戴维在哪里?Where was Davy while Linda was looking for him?

里面装着戴维琼斯那颗怦然跳动的心脏。Inside was the still-beating heart of Davy Jones.

当雄火鸡走近时,大卫就射杀它。When the male turkey came near him, Davy would shoot it.

他是一名好水手,但是最后竟葬身海底了。He was a fine seaman , but ended up in Davy Jones ' locker.

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“哦,我的龙王爷,”他说,“利弗西疯了不成?”Why, in the name of Davy Jones, ' said he, 'is Dr Livesey mad?'

大卫?克洛基在一七八六年八月十七日出生于田纳西州东部。Davy Crockett was born on August 17th, 1786 in eastern Tennessee.

世界上第一个消耗电能的台灯于1809年英格兰问世,设计者为汉弗里·戴维。First electric lamp was invented in England in 1809 by Humpry Davy.

真实生活中的大卫.克罗竟然会犯错,也曾有严重的个人问题。The real Davy Crockett made mistakes and had serious personal problems.

在“荷兰人号”的船长室里,戴维琼斯坐在他的管风琴前。In the captain's cabin of the Dutchman, Davy Jones sat at his pipe organ.

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就在琳达打电话的时候,戴维在火车站外遇见了另一条狗。While she was talking on the telephone, Davy met another dog outside the station.

如果你站在这座纪念碑面前,也许你会记得大卫?克洛基的名字。If you stand before the monument , perhaps you'll remember the name of Davy Crockett.

报道说切尔西戴维对哈里的花花公子生活极度厌恶而与之分手。Report says Chelsy Davy broke up with Harry after losing patience with his playboy life.