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哇,这邋遢的山顶野人是何许人物?Wow, who's the scruffy old mountain man?

搬运工把我们那些被翋雨水浸透的脏兮兮的行李放上了手推车。The porter put our scruffy rain-sodden luggage on a trolley.

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他现在把这些一文不值的照片当成他的护身符和挡箭牌。He now regards these scruffy photographs as his shield and buckler.

例如,一条叫做Oweny的邋遢混种小犬,刚刚为自己争取到登上美国邮政服务邮票的机会。A scruffy mixed terrier named Owney, for instance. He just got his own U. S.

他对现代肯尼亚那种破旧感的描绘,达到了完美。His depiction of modern Kenya, in all its scruffy sadness, was pitch-perfect.

记住,不像某些肮脏的属性被nerf的牧人,这个Spartan总是先发炮的。And remember, unlike a certain scruffy nerf-herder, this Spartan always shoots first.

他已经摘掉了墨镜,于是她便毫无遗漏地看到了他那张邋遢的脸和那双不同寻常的眼睛。He'd pulled off his sunglasses and she got a full-on view of that scruffy face and striking eyes.

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在布达佩斯的一个肮脏的市区里,一名剑桥研究生受到了一次令人倍感挫折的待遇。IN A scruffy Budapest district, a postgraduate student from Cambridge is getting a bruising reception.

邋遢的裤子,牛仔裤,招摇的珠宝,怪异的发型和发色都是被严令禁止的。Scruffy trousers, jeans, ostentatious jewelry and outrageous hair styles and colors are strictly banned.

从略显陈旧的硬件设施到俱乐部的资产负债表,这里同曼联或切尔西没有丝毫相似之处。From the slightly scruffy facilities to the club's balance sheet, this is no Manchester United or Chelsea.

穿上新买的马球衫和斜纹棉裤,这四个高大的男人看上去还真像那么回事,除了那蓬乱的大胡子显得有些不搭调。In newly purchased polo shirts and chinos, the four husky men, might blend in except for their scruffy beards.

他留着花白的杂草丛生的胡须,头发看起来也乱糟糟的未加梳理,戴着顶奶油色的毡帽。The star sported a greying overgrown beard with his hair looking scruffy and unkempt under a cream trilby hat.

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说得非常温柔亲切,绝不像是由那个胡子拉碴的口中说出来的。His voice was so gentle and kindly, it was difficult to believe it came from the mouth under that scruffy beard.

莉斯总是满身虱子出现在学校,因为身上异味和衣衫褴褛而被人欺负,最后辍学了。Liz would turn up to school lice-ridden and was bullied for being smelly and scruffy and eventually dropped out.

他留着花白的杂草丛生的胡须,头发看起来也乱糟糟的未加梳理,戴着顶奶油色的毡帽。The star sported a greying overgrown beard with his hair looking scruffy and unkempt under a cream trilby hat.

这本书讲的是一个大约10岁大的可爱流浪儿和一只小脏狗一起经历的一系列历险故事。The book is about a charming 10-year-old waif who embarks on a series of adventures with a scruffy canine sidekick.

在大多数富人眼里,乞丐低人一等。他们蓬头垢面、衣衫褴褛、纠缠不休又粗野不文。In the eyes of most of the well-to-do, a beggar is an inferior being, somebody who's scruffy and unwashed, pushy and rude.

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有子女在莫斯科市看t恤提供你一个红纸条,并在投石问放在顶部的陵墓石。There were children in scruffy looking t-shirts offering you a red piece of paper and a stone to put on top of the grave stone.

交通混乱拥堵,行人毫无忌惮,公车拥挤不堪,火车站肮脏寒碜。The traffic was aggressive and choked, the pedestrian crossings deadly, the buses overcrowded, the train stations scruffy and underfunded.

它会突然出现在任何地方,包括俄罗斯的英语电视频道、脏兮兮的巴基斯坦报纸以及美国的国家广播电台。It crops up everywhere from Russia's English-language TV channel to scruffy Pakistani newspapers to America's stately National Public Radio.