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可通过涂抹非处方的抗真菌乳膏进行治疗。It’s treated with nonprescription antifungal creams.

你服用处方用药或非法非处方用药吗?Do you use prescription drugs or illegal nonprescription drugs?

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询问医护人员,那些非处方的药是可以安心服用的。Ask your provider which nonprescription medicines are safe to use.

一体系的处方药及非处方药必须给予。D. A complete list of all prescription and nonprescription drugs should be obtained.

药被分成不同的组,阿斯匹林属于非处方药品。Drugs are classified into groups. Aspirin belongs to the classification of nonprescription drugs.

这也是作为医师案头参考的非处方药品,膳食补充剂和草药?。It is also cited in the Physicians' Desk Reference for Nonprescription Drugs, Dietary Supplements and Herbs?

中毒性肝损伤是由各种各样的处方和非处方药物,营养补给和草药引起的。It is caused by a wide variety of prescription and nonprescription medications, nutritional supplements and herbals.

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药品分为处方药与非处方药是实施药品分类管理的重要前提。Classifying medicine to prescription drugs and nonprescription drugs is a precondition of the drug classification system.

注射剂和非处方药还应当列出所用的全部辅料名称。The injections and nonprescription pharmaceuticals shall, in addition, list the names of all supplementary materials in use.

我们提供广泛的处方药,非处方药,使得以极低的成本和竞争的条件。We offer wide range of prescription medicine , nonprescription medicine, OTS at very low cost and competitive terms and conditions.

非处方药品中的九种药品,包括儿童可他敏、泰诺关节炎止痛片,是由麦克尼尔消费者医疗保健部门制造。Nine involved nonprescription medicines -- from Children's Benadryl to Tylenol Arthritis -- made by its McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit.

告诉你的医生你所有的处方药和非处方药,包括中草药和营养品。Inform your doctor of all prescription and nonprescription medications, and any herbs and supplements, you take or are considering taking.

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这一禁令比制药业上周采取的举措--不销售两岁以下小孩的非处方药,要求更高。Such a prohibition would go beyond last week's drug industry move to eliminate sales of the nonprescription drugs targeted at children under 2.

联邦机构将会要求把这个警告加到处方与非处方质子泵抑制剂的包装标签上。The federal agency will now require the warning to be added to the package labels of both the prescription and nonprescription versions of the drugs.

2009年,马应龙被中国非处方药物协会评选为“中国非处方药品牌企业十五强”。In 2009, Ma Ying Long Co. , Ltd was selected as one of the "Top 15 Chinese Enterprises of OTC Brands " by China Nonprescription Medicines Association.

所以你要仔细查看非处方药或处方药的标签或说明书,确认服用后是否会干扰睡眠或导致失眠。Check the label of nonprescription drugs or the prescription drug information sheet to see if your medicine interferes with sleep or can cause insomnia.

这是第五次新不伦瑞克,新泽西州为总部的公司召回非处方药物,因为顾客抱怨其令人作呕的气味。It's the fifth time that the New Brunswick, N. J. -based company has recalled nonprescription medicines because of consumer complaints about an unpleasant odor.

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那些搅乱大脑基本功能的药物,能够和不需要处方的止痛药及制酸剂一起贩售吗?Will any drug that fiddles with basic brain functions ever be safe enough to be placed on pharmacy shelves alongside nonprescription pain relievers and antacids?

事实上,早在星期四到五的这场会议一周前,业者已事先减量销售那些给两岁以下孩童使用,且未经医生处方之药品。In fact, the Thursday-Friday meeting came just a week after the industry pre-emptively moved to eliminate sales of nonprescription drugs targeted at children under 2.

非处方药的应用对满足消费者自我药疗需求和实现有限卫生资源的合理配置具有重要意义。Application of nonprescription drugs is not only significant to con-sumer s self-medication but also can promote the rational distribution of the limited medical resources.