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起居室则划分为茶室与客房。Living room divides into tearoom and guestroom.

茶室的背景音乐太吵了。The background music is too noisy in the tearoom.

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走进福特南和梅森商店暖融融的茶室。Come into the warmth of the Fortnum and Mason tearoom.

我们围成一圈而坐,开始介绍自己。Tearoom . We sat in a circle and began to introduce ourselves.

整个茶馆都静了下来,现在每个人都在看他们。The whole tearoom was quiet and everybody was watching them now.

在他的乡镇小说里,“茶馆”是最常见的文学场景之一。The tearoom is one of the most common scenes in his rural literature.

现在泉水的旁边建有茶室,专用清洌的白鹤泉水沏茶,供游客品尝。And there is tearoom for tourist to drink the tea which is steepled by the spring water.

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露丝走出门,进入头等茶室,跟她母亲和其他责妇们坐在一起。Rose goes out and joins her mother and other aristocratic ladies in the first class tearoom.

当她在茶室等待男朋友的时,一首甜蜜的歌曲使她着了迷。While she was waiting for her boy friend in the tearoom , a sweet melody filled her with ecstasy.

这家日式点心旗舰店有日式‘Kaho’--点心,和日式‘Saho’--茶室两部分。A flagship shop of a Japanese pastry shop that has Japanese ‘Kaho’, a pastry shop, and Japanese ‘Saho’, a tearoom.

一位工党议员在昨晚目睹下议院茶室的情况后,称他“从来没有见过这种愤怒场面。One Labour MP said he had "never seen such venom" as that witnessed in the House of Commons members' tearoom last night.

公司每个楼面的茶水间的墙上都张贴着环保健康小贴士,每月定期更换,向我们的员工传达常用的健康知识,如常见疾病的预防,办公室保健等。Some EHS tips post on the wall of the tearoom of each floor monthly, including some protecting tips for common disease and some office health care.

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依靠建筑南侧立面上三角形的通高天井,建筑师在茶室与二层酒吧空间实现了自然采光与通风。Both tearoom and bar are daylit and naturally ventilated, the first floor bar by solar stack, a triangular full height void behind the south facade.

公司每个楼面的茶水间的墙上都张贴着环保健康小贴士,每月定期更换,向我们的员工传达常用的健康知识,如常见疾病的预防,办公室保健等。Some EHS tips post on the wall of the tearoom of every floor monthly, including some protecting tips for common disease and some office health care.