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这些可从一药剂师得到。These are available from a pharmacist.

现在我在一个本地的药局担任药剂师工作。Now I work as a staff pharmacist in a local drug store.

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药剂师每天要照方配几百付药。The pharmacist fills hundreds of prescriptions per day.

如果剂量指示不清楚,咨询你的药剂师。If dosing instructions aren’t clear, ask your pharmacist.

如果有什么问题,要求药师进行核对。If something seems wrong, ask the pharmacist to check it.

药剂师叫唐.克尔克特,就住在纽克拉镇上。The pharmacist is Don Colcord, who lives in the town of Nucla.

我们只得等药剂师给她配好药。We had to wait for the pharmacist to make up her prescription.

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药剂师?我想一定是的。你之前来过我们的药局吗?。Pharmacist? No doubt you did. Have you been to our pharmacy before?

百事可乐配方则出现在13年后,由药剂师凯勒.布莱德汉姆发明出来。Pepsi-Cola was created in 13 years later by pharmacist Caleb Bradham.

在你服用一种药物以前要时常与医生或药剂师确认一下。Always check with your doctor or pharmacist before trying any of these.

作为人生的备选目标,库克表示也愿意学习成为一名药剂师。As an alternative Cook said he would also like to train as a pharmacist.

药剂师还会详细告诉你所服的药物存在某些副作用。The pharmacist will also tell you about the side effects of the medicine.

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记住提醒你的医生或者药师你会过敏的药物。Remember to remind your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to any drugs.

除非你的医生或药剂师说没问题,否则就不要将药和酒混着吃。Don't mix alcohol and medicine unless your doctor or pharmacist says it's okay.

当我告诉药剂师我的徵状前,他就已经知道哪里出了问题。The pharmacist had a sense of what was wrong even before I told him my symptoms.

第三,建设医院药师队伍,发挥药学服务作用。Thirdly, build up the clinical pharmacist teams for supply the Medicare service.

如果你正在服用镇静剂,使用前询问医生或药剂师。Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are taking sedatives or tranquilizers.

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如果没有先咨询你的医生或药剂师,不要改动服药的剂量和频率。Never alter a dose or frequency without consulting your doctor or pharmacist first.

“喂,”他说,“我到这儿来是想当一名药剂师,我为什么要读这玩意儿?”"Look, " he said, " I came here to be a pharmacist. Shy do I have to read this stuff?

目的探讨临床药师在血液科促进合理用药的工作方式。Objective To discuss the role of clinical pharmacist played in haematology department.