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尼尔共同体总部设在马纳提县。Neal Communities is based in Manatee County.

治疗流鼻涕的海牛油随处都可以买到。Manatee fat is widely available to aid runny noses.

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海象的外形是从海牛物种里演化而成。The shape of Walrus evolved out of the Manatee species.

我以前曾在这里见到过海豚和其它很多种动物,但却从未亲眼看见过一头海牛。I've seen dolphins and everything else, but never a manatee.

这也是为什么14岁的“饼干”胖的像只长了腿的海牛。This is why Cookie, at 14, is basically a manatee with paws.

一头海牛畅游在佛罗里达水晶河的淡水泉中。A manatee swims in a freshwater spring in Crystal River, Florida.

一头友好的海牛可能会径自游向你,然后和你贴面。A friendly manatee may swim right up and touch your face with his.

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一头西印度海牛正在北弗罗里达州晶莹剔透的泉水里畅游。West Indian manatee drifts through crystal-clear water in a North Florida spring.

北佛罗里达,春天,一只西印度母牛潜游在水晶般透明的水域中。West Indian manatee drifts through crystal-clear water in a North Florida spring.

使用脑中的3D模型,你就能画出任何角度任何姿势的海牛了。Using that 3D mental image, you can then draw a manatee from any angle, in any pose.

其中包括佛罗里达美洲豹,美洲鳄和西印度海牛。They include the Florida panther, the American crocodile and the West Indian manatee.

科学家们相信,美人鱼实际上是一种名叫海牛的动物。It is believed by scientists that mermaids were actually an animal called the manatee.

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濒临灭绝的佛罗里达海牛在佛罗里达州水晶河的越冬场所三姐妹泉。Endangered Florida manatee at the Three Sisters Spring wintering site, Crystal River, Florida.

海牛是一种灵活和优美的游泳者,西印度的海牛总是一年一次的来到佛罗里达海岸水域。A flexible and graceful swimmer, the West Indian manatee migrates annually to Florida's coastal waters.

这些像它们跟海牛是亲戚的海洋生物,一定要在5分钟左右探个头,呼吸点新鲜空气。These marine mammals, like their manatee relatives, must surface every five minutes or so for a fresh breath.

佛罗里达州蒙纳提县的官员们已发出逮捕令,追捕一个绑架了一名少年的嫌疑犯。Officials in Manatee County, Florida have issued an arrest warrant for a suspect wanted in the kidnapping of a teenager.

大象和海牛的祖先们了解水晶脂肪,但为了更有效率,我们正在改变基因蓝图。Elephant and Manatee ancestors knew crystalline fat, but we are altering the genetic blueprint to be even more efficient.

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因此,在最近发生的事件,营销,决定了统一报告格式的海牛皮肤现在甚至比我们更传奇原先的预期。And so, in light of the recent events, Marketing has determined that the Urf the Manatee skin is now even more Legendary than we had originally anticipated.

接着,那个大个的海牛用它浆一样的脚掌推着那个小家伙,把它推出水面,推到我旁边,那动作温柔的让人无法相信来自这么巨大的生物。Then, with incredible gentleness for such an enormous creature, the larger manatee nudged the little one with her paddle-shaped flipper and pushed it to the surface beside me.

这里是许多研究机构所在地,其中包括史密森学会研究中心,海牛观察与教育中心和海港海洋学研究所。It is home to a number of research institutions including the Smithsonian Institution Research Center, the Manatee Observation &Education Center, and the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute.