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黄色沙石和珊瑚石岩满地都是。Yellow sandstone and masses of coralline limestone abounded.

在石鳖吃珊瑚线藻时,它的粉色背景起到了伪装作用,使它免遭捕食者伤害。The chiton’s pinkbackground camouflages it from predators as it feeds on coralline algae.

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方法用珊瑚多孔羟基磷灰石作为二期眶内植入物共36例。Methods Coralline porous hydroxyapatite as secondary orbital implants were implanted in 36 cases.

凝玉回头时,玉珊瑚般的双靥上还留着末拭去的泪珠。When Ning jade cornered head, the double of the jade coralline sort dimple up still lingered the end erased out of drop of tear.

钙化藻与包括珊瑚和软体动物的钙化族群最易受酸性环境伤害。Coralline algae along with other calcifying organisms, including coral and mollusk, are especially vulnerable to acid environment.

本文报导对一项发生在钙化藻的程序性细胞死亡的研究,钙化藻是种造礁藻类,在生态上很重要。This paper presents a study on PCD examples occurring on coralline algae, which are significant in ecology for their role as reef builder.

目的探讨侧后方融合联合人工珊瑚椎间融合器治疗腰椎滑脱的临床疗效。Objective To explore the clinic effects of lumbar spondylolisthesis treated by posterolaterial fusion with coralline spinal interbody fusion.

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这项钙化藻的程序性细胞死亡的研究目标提供保护钙化生物的有用资讯。This study of programmed cell death on coralline algae wishes to produce useful information for the protection of marine calcifying organisms.

通过啃食藻类,食草鱼类会帮助珊瑚礁清理海草,让粉红珊瑚藻得以扎根,形成新珊瑚生长的基质。By grazing on algae, these and other herbivores keep reefs free of seaweed, enabling pink coralline algae to take hold and form a substrate for new coral.

我们认为,在良好的手术技巧下,珊瑚球植入物会是个具有良好美观效果的眼窝植入物。In conclusion, it appears that with a delicate, experienced surgical technique, coralline hydroxyapatite will be a good ocular implant with excellent cosmetic results.

目的探讨脊柱结核手术治疗中一期前路病灶清除椎体间植珊瑚羟基磷灰石人工骨融合同时前路内固定手术治疗的安全性、有效性。Objective To explore the safety and effect in the treatment of spinal tuberculosis by simultaneously anterior internal fixation combined with coralline hydroxyapatite.

一在珊瑚眼窝球植入前,必须覆盖捐赠巩膜以利于此四条眼蛉肌的附著,并减少珊瑚眼窝球的暴露。Coralline implants are most commonly wrapped in donor sclera before implantation to facilitate placement within the orbit and allow attachment of the extraocular muscles.

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2001年,“珊瑚羟基磷灰石植入材料创新技术的产业化”获“国家科技型中小企业创新基金”的支持。In 2001, the "coralline hydroxyapatite implant materials innovation industrialization" were "National Innovation Fund for small and medium-sized technology-based" support.

2000年,“珊瑚羟基磷灰石植入材料产业化”项目获得北京市科委医用新材料专项基金支持。In 2000, the " coralline hydroxyapatite implant material industrialization" project, Beijing Science and Technology Commission, a special fund new materials for medical support.

珊瑚的颜色从一般的蓝色、鹿角棕色到错综复杂、难以置信的粉红及紫海扇,简直是个五彩斑烂的神奇世界。Coralline color from generally blue color, antler brown to complex and hard place pink and purple seas of the letter, simply is a lousy and miraculous world in a multicolored spot.

这些活石为大部分活珊瑚提供生存基础,也有助于促进各式各样微型动植物的生长,其中包括珊瑚藻等。These live rocks provide the foundation for most of the living corals and also helped to seed the exhibit with a wide diversity of micro-fauna and flora, including coralline algae.

软体动物,甲壳纲动物,甚至珊瑚藻都需在其身体结构生长中用上钙,而海水酸度变高则会阻碍这一过程。Mollusks, crustaceans, and even coralline algae are among theliving things that use calcium in their structures, a process that could beimpeded by higher acidity levels in seawater.

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方法总结18例脊柱结核患者,采用一期前路病灶清除,椎体间植珊瑚羟基磷灰石人工骨融合,前路内固定器内固定治疗。Methods Retrospective study of 18 spinal tuberculosis treated by simultaneously focus eliminate, coralline hydroxyapatite transplantation between vertebra body and anterior internal fixation.

澳洲海岸的大堡礁就是个例子,它由一代代的珊瑚和珊瑚藻累积而成,是全世界最大的生物积聚。The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, for instance—the largest biological structure in the world—is simply the accumulation of generation after generation of coral and coralline algae.