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任前方荆棘丛生我们将持之以恒。As we will persevere in front of thorns.

你没有打过仗,是吗?。They are determined to persevere in the fight.

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如果你正在尝试这种方法,那么坚持下去。If you are struggling with this technique, then persevere.

顽强不屈意味着你愿意不屈不挠地坚持下去。Tough means that you are willing to stand tall and persevere.

我们将为国家取胜,我们也会坚贞不屈,这是我为什麽现在在这。We will win for the country, we will persevere. That is why I'm here.

即使如此,科菲认为求职者仍需锲而不舍地坚持下去,原因如下Even so, Coffey says that there are seven reasons you should persevere

万一他坚持不懈,那么他将成为传奇人物。Should he persevere though he can become a legend among his Garou kin.

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不过,总统是否将长期坚持则是另一回事。But whether the president will persevere in the long term is another matter.

与真正的人建立关系能帮助学生在学习中坚持下去。Those relationships — with humans in the flesh — help students to persevere.

把艰苦的过程变得轻松有趣起来,这样你就能更好地坚持下去。Taking a painful course in a light-hearted and amusing way helps you persevere.

它依赖于我们梦的能力,行动的能力已经即使失败仍然坚持的能力。It depends on our ability to dream, to take action and persevere even when we fail.

当事情不顺利时──无论是在比赛中还是在生活中──你仍须坚持不懈地努力。When things aren’t going your way, in sports and in life, you still have to persevere.

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倾皓很够义气也总是会陪着自己挨饿。The Qing Hao very ample sense of glory also always accompanies oneself to persevere hunger.

无论我们选择走哪一条道路,我们都需要坚持到底、为之奋斗。No matter which the road we are choose, we have to persevere and fight for it to completion.

亨得利公司欢迎您的来电,我们将始终坚持诚信为本,为您提供高品质的产品和服务。We promise to persevere with honesty, and provide you with high-quality products and service.

如果你坚持找工作,最后,你肯定会找到合适的工作。If you persevere at your search for a job, you are sure to find something suitable in the end.

他们认为这是监督和鼓励彼此坚持塑身的好方法。They regard it as a good way to supervise and encourage each other to persevere in body-sculpting.

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在一切工作中,应该坚持抗日民族统一战线的总方针。In all our work we must persevere in the Anti-Japanese National United Front as the general policy.

建设社会主义新农村是长期性历史任务,必须持之以恒才能真见实效。It is a long-time historic task to construct a new socialistic country that we should persevere it.

同时也很钦佩身边为数不多的几个单身主义者,佩服他们宁缺毋滥地坚持着。At the same time I also admire a few of celibatarians around me, appreciate their magical persevere.